Where Sunshine was a love story with shades of science fiction, Science is an imagination story with elements of romance.
Since The Science of Sleep deals not with an altered form of true reality but an alternate reality into which the protagonist frequently escapes during times of high stress,
Gondry makes the wise decision of largely eschewing the digital chicanery of his previous foray into grey matter in favor of a return the lo-fi effects that defined his early music videos.
... because in Gondry's strange universe the point isn't always tied so much to what world his characters currently inhabit as it is their reaction to that world.
(quoted from AMG)
Michel Gondry 的睡覺科學,又是一部值得不照舊格式禮遇的好電影,我也不想用什麼矯揉造作的言語寫日記,只記得那些拙拙的動畫,史蒂芬電視台,Stéphane & Stéphanie,毛帽,笨鞋,玩具熊套裝,可愛的 Gael García Bernal ( 現在應該可以記得他的全名了 ),可愛的 Charlotte Gainsbourg,抽高版的蘇菲亞柯波拉加蘇菲瑪索。
可愛的 Charlotte Gainsbourg,抽高版的蘇菲亞柯波拉加蘇菲瑪索,1971年次,所以她已經36了,法國妹都有吃不老仙丹嗎?( 老媽也是 aged very very very well ) 身為21公克西恩潘老婆,Iñárritu 第一眼看到她就愛上她了。
全世界最可愛的男女主角最後乘著金色小馬 ( 烤漆大概掉色了 ) 馳騁夢鄉,散場時總覺得短了點,但好夢總是一下就結束了,不是嗎?
Charlotte 小時候 ( 就很可愛 ) 常和老爸老媽到大自然野餐:Profimedia.cz/ Jane Birkin
- May 07 Mon 2007 12:01
La Science des rêves