"Troubles were like having an elephant in your living room."
Elephant (大象) [2003]
大衛林區的象人不知道為什麼叫象人 (隱約瞥見大象躁動不安),葛斯范桑的大象來自 Alan Clarke 一九八九年同名電視電影,Alan Clarke 的大象來自作家 Bernard MacLaverty:問題就像客廳裡有隻大象。Alan Clarke 導了兩部提姆羅素和蓋瑞歐德曼 (看起來) 暴力早期作品。
"I want the audience to make its own observations and draw its own conclusions, who knows why those boys acted as they did?"
短篇故事提供者包括 Harmony Korine。平穩緩慢的長鏡頭,避免主觀剪接,葛斯范桑提出問題,不給予明確答案或評論,這方面麥可漢內克 (去死啦) 就完全無法說服 (討好) 我。
Rogert Ebert 影評
楚浮認為拍反戰電影很困難,因為戰爭令人興奮。葛斯范桑了部反暴力電影,把所有令人興奮的因素抽掉,小朋友看了不會學壞。(靜謐之美)。Rogert Ebert 好像常有機會訪問演員導演,例如在坎城和艾蜜莉聊到劇組的確參加了聖彼得堡真愛之旅。
"I came to realize since I had no need to make a lot of money, I should make films I find interesting, regardless of their outcome and audience."
1986 追流雲的少年 Mala Noche
1989 追陽光的少年 Drugstore Cowboy ← 海瑟葛拉罕 (19)
1991 男人的一半還是男人 My Own Private Idaho
1994 藍調牛仔妹 Even Cowgirls Get the Blues ← 海瑟葛拉罕 (24)
1995 衝擊年代 Kids ← Executive Producer
1995 妮可基嫚之愛的機密 To Die For
1997 心靈捕手 Good Will Hunting ← making money
1998 一九九九驚魂記 Psycho
2000 心靈訪客 Finding Forrester ← ???
2002 痞子逛沙漠 Gerry
2003 大象 Elephant
2003 Tarnation [doc] ← Executive Producer
2005 超脫末日 Last Days
2006 Wild Tigers I Have Known ← Executive Producer
2007 迷幻公園 Paranoid Park
Milk (2008)
Sean Penn ... Harvey Milk
Emile Hirsch ... Cleve Jones
James Franco ... Scott Smith
Diego Luna ... Jack Lira
約翰這角度好像 Scarlett Johansson,這回由他帶領我們穿越空盪校園。