Out of the Foliage

BlackBook: Maybe I'm being a little naive here, but it seems to me that British actors like yourself, Paul Bettany, Alfred Molina, and Sean Bean have the perfect careers. You get reasonably high-profile roles in big films but there's no one rooting around your garbage or stalking you.



Emily Mortimer: That's true, but I was looking up some names on IMDBPro.com and they've got this starmeter thing. It's a list of your numbers, of how you rank—it's like a seed in tennis, and I'm like 416 and Scarlett [Match Point costar Johansson] is seven, and I sat on the loo thinking I should at least be in the 100s. There are more than 20,000 names, but it's still annoying. 

是沒錯。但我還是會在意 IMDBPro 打抗的星光指數。就跟網球種子一樣,小婊子是世界排名第七種子,我只有四一六,好歹要有個前百大吧!百分等級八十啪不算太差,但我承認我有點沮喪。

BB: So I was being naive and you do have as much of a big thudding ego as everyone else who's screaming for attention. 


EM: When I was a little girl I definitely fantasized about being a movie star—Miss Mortimer, please sign my autograph book—but since I've gottten older and worked out what it is I'm doing with my life, I've realized that quite a lot of my pathologies have to do with not wanting to be one thing, not wanting to be pinned down, and I think that when you become famous you are that one thing. It's harder to change, you can only do the movie star roles. I think part of the reason a lot of people become actors is to get away from themselves. I come from a privileged, middle-class background, my dad (author and lawyer John Mortimer) is fairly well known in England, and I could very easily have been a type like Chloe in Match Point. So much of my fear was being that girl and that's partly why I became an actress and why I married someone who's American (actor Alessandro Nivola). 


BB: The higher up the class ladder you climb, the more virulently anti-American the Brits get. How was it for an English rose like yourself announcing that you'd bagged a Yank? 


EM: I had people saying to me when I told them I'd fallen in love with an American, “Oh, but they're so stupid.” It's racism, really. My husband says the English are incredibly snobbish. I'm having this weird education about the English and getting to see them objectively and being with someone who's had a hard time at the hands of the English. He says he feels at a disadvantage, you constantly have to overcome people's prejudices. For me, here in the US, I'm immediately praised because everyone thinks I'm smart. 


BB: Because of the accent? 


EM: It's fantastic. You have a bit of a cachet, don't you find? 


BB: No, I'm from Scotland. No one understands anything I say. What's the dynamic with a two-actor marriage? Are you constantly examining each other's scripts for sex scenes? 


EM: Neither of us ever read each other's scripts. It's hard enough work reading scripts when it's just for you. Also, we've become so mercenary in our old age. I think having a kid (two-year-old Sam) does it to you. You get in such a panic about paying for university and school that whenever either of us gets a job of any nature we're desperate to do it. It's completely dissolved any kind of jealousy we might feel about each other's success or sex scenes. I also think integrity is a very overrated virtue. I like people with a healthy dose of vulgarity and lack of pride because you can really get yourself in a pickle if you decide you can't do certain things or can't be friends with certain people. 


BB: You used to write a Bridget Jones's Diary–like column for [UK broadsheet] The Daily Telegraph about a failed actress, and you've penned an unproduced screenplay. Are you planning to continue the writing as another string to your bow? 


EM: I don't know. I went quietly mad when I was writing the screenplay. I convinced myself I was going bald because it was actually more pleasant to examine my hairline in the mirror for three hours a day rather than sit down and write. You have to be so disciplined and, as an actor, you don't have to be disciplined at all. You're picked up at a certain hour. You're given a cup of coffee and a little brown envelope with your pocket money in it. You're mollycoddled through the whole thing, you're told where to go and where to stand and how to say the lines. As a writer, you have to fucking get yourself out of bed. I might take up traffic-wardening in later life because then I won't be some frumpy actor-slash-writer. 


BB: You've lived for the past few years in the funky and affordable Los Angeles district of Echo Park, but you're about to uproot and switch coasts for Brooklyn Heights. First, congratulations, but also, why? 


EM: I don't want to die here. I'm driving past Forest Lawns and I see all the graves and I think, “Ooh, what would happen if I died here? Would I get taken back in a body bag or would someone cremate me and shove me in?” What's that place where they make movies about your life and show them on the headstones? Hollywood Forever. I don't want to end up in there. 


BB: They could show that scene from Lovely & Amazing


EM: People could spend eternity looking at my big bush. 





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