為什麼要稱呼Emily Mortimer小家碧玉的極品呢?有著可愛臉蛋和窈窕體態,卻不會讓其他男人想入非非,笑起來像隻喝完牛奶的貓。聲線甜美嬌嗲,柔膚白裡透紅,看起來很擅於早上煮飯洗衣打掃,晚上再漂漂亮亮地陪老公出門,這就是Emily Mortimer。
第一次注意到他是在Ewan的烈火亞當,查了cast,這女孩有個奇特的姓氏。後來被Emily Mortimer迷倒是在Match Point,因為戲中形象,從此認定她是小家碧玉的極品。其實她演過很多我看過的電影,但大部分是小配角,記憶也太過遙遠。
例如方基墨和美國蕭大陸麥可道格拉斯的暗夜獵殺,我那時才小學,連麥可道格拉斯都不知道是誰,只知道老虎會吃人,還有當時很紅的方基莫是第二代蝙蝠俠。新娘百分百高一看的,沒讓我認出來的還有Mischa Barton!!! 她同時也是靈異第六感的上吐下瀉小女鬼。驚聲尖叫三?我有沒有看都搞不清楚了。
Emily Mortimer生於倫敦,老爸是著名小說家 / 劇作家 John Mortimer,代表作是英國電視影集Rumpole of the Bailey。受到老爸優良遺傳,幫London Telegraph寫過專欄,也改編過電影劇本 (Bad Blood by Lorna Sage)。大學主修俄文,在St Paul's Girls School的求學生涯和Rachel Weisz是同班同學。
It doesn't feel like that. The big producers still want Kate Winslet and Kate Beckinsale, I suppose. - on whether she has made it into mainstream Hollywood
To be in the hands of an auteur like Andrei Tarkovsky, that would be just brilliant. But I don't know if those kind of films can ever be made any more. To get art nowadays, in cinema or books or anything, that grapples with the possibility of a meaningless universe... it just doesn't happen any more. In even the most indie of the indie films, everything has to come to some kind of neat conclusion. But that's part of the problem with politics and history and everything today, that people think there's a right and a wrong, a good and a bad... maybe there just isn't...
But, yes, no matter how in character actresses are in a film, the moment they take off their clothes, you start wondering about them as a person. You start checking them out, in a way. It's a self-conscious moment for both the audience and for the actor and always, I think, slightly embarrassing.
一個女演員再怎麼融入劇中角色,當她開始脫衣服,你會不由自主地上下打量她,劇中角色就不那麼重要了。那是很尷尬的,不管是觀眾還是演員。 我一點也不覺得尷尬
1996 暗夜獵殺 The Ghost and the Darkness
1996 The Last of the High Kings
愛爾蘭青春劇,美國翻Summer Fling,飾演Jared Leto的夢中情人。
1997 神鬼至尊 The Saint
1998 伊莉莎白 Elizabeth
1999 新娘百分百 Notting Hill
2000 愛情急轉彎 Love's Labour's Lost
和帥哥老公Alessandro Nivola的定情作,Kenneth Branagh執導的莎翁喜劇,海棒上有前美國甜心Alicia Silverstone,楚門的世外桃源,比Uma更像年輕梅莉史翠普的Natascha McElhone。
2000 扭轉未來 Disney's The Kid
2000 驚聲尖叫3 Scream 3
2001 Lovely & Amazing
cast超漂亮,賢伉儷Dermot Mulroney & Catherine Keener,有著少女般明眸的Jake Gyllenhaal。
2002 2 Brothers & a Bride (A Foreign Affair)
2002 字典情人 The Sleeping Dictionary
2002 毒家交易 Formula 51
2002 獵風行動 Windtalkers
2003 Bright Young Things
應該是很優質的英國片,領銜主演的還有影帝影后身邊最閃亮的配角:阿敏小醫生James McAvoy,把女皇當媽的工黨領袖Michael Sheen。
2003 烈火亞當 Young Adam
2004 來信情緣 Dear Frankie
對清水與泥土很吝嗇的This is Sparta! 比想像中好看的溫馨劇。
2005 愛情決勝點 Match Point
2006 粉紅豹 The Pink Panther
2006 巴黎我愛你 Paris, je t'aime