"If Kiehl’s were a woman, she'd be Chloë!”
"We love Chloë. Someone like Chloë, she's just so East Village."
-- Chris Selgardo, president of Kiehl’s
How does she think the neighborhood has changed?
"Oh you know, it’s bank, nail salon, bank, nail salon, bank, nail salon," she replied.
"The Subway across the street from Veselka, it’s just an eyesore. The bigger chains coming in everywhere, it’s depressing.
You know what really bugs me about the neighborhood, actually?
The students!
The NYU kids and they’ve opened an SVA dorm near my house, so now it’s even more."
我們美麗大方的東村村花,小克,於四月九號,身著設計品牌 Opening Ceremony 之黑色迷你裙與海軍藍外套,主持離住家三個街區舉辦的 Kiehl’s 一百五十八週年慶,新裝潢重現一八五一年藥材商時代感。
與會人包括大肆稱讚小克的 Kiehl’s 總裁克里斯‧賽嘉多、小克唱盤騎師胞兄保羅‧賽芬伊。小克,本名克露伊‧賽芬伊,表示,她將參加四月十號星期五晚上的 Free the Beatrice 派對,支持老哥被關閉的 Beatrice Inn 酒館。
「小克的肌膚荒繆地容光煥發!(ridiculously glowing)」記者如此報導。
Chloë hosts Kiehl’s celebration in New York
Kiehl’s New York Flagship Store Celebration media
Paul & Chloë Sevigny
... with the glasses only Chloë could pull off
attends the Chloe Los Angeles Boutique Opening Celebration held at Milk Studios on April 23, 2009 in Los Angeles, California.