Chloë Sevigny: What I've Learned
The umlaut isn't on my birth certificate. I had this book as a child called Chloë and Maude, and there was an umlaut on the e, and I said, I want that! It's a little flair. Just to confuse people even more. People always come up to me and say, Oh, you're Chloë Se-VIG-ny, right? Sevigny. Number seven, letter e.
Then what I get a lot, too, which I think is really odd, is, "You're so much prettier in person." All the time. They think that makes me feel good?
My dad would bring me into New York to work, and I'd wear my little tie, and he'd bring me to Saks and buy me a dress, and to the Helmsley Palace. I'd bring my Paddington Bear, and we'd have tea. It was my dream day of the year. There was always this glimmer of glamour around the city.
My father always said to my mother that there's more good in the world than bad, and Chloë's gonna be okay.
The first time I went to therapy, I had to stop going because they were making me hate my parents.
As I got older, I thought I was very plain, so fashion was a way of adorning myself, to make me look more interesting.
Stones over Beatles.
Harry Dean Stanton is very profound — everything that comes out of his mouth. There's so much weight to that guy. He always knows all his lines, always prepared. True, he might come straight from the bar, but he's got it together.
I'm ambitious, but I'm not ambitious enough to move to Los Angeles.
I had an agent once who said that in an audition you have to make the women want to be you and the men want to fuck you. I said, I'm sorry, I can't just go into a room and, like, try to achieve that. That's not my motivation in life.
I always found it distracting to be watching a movie and there was a love scene and the girl had her bra on.
I saw it in Cannes with everybody else. Vincent [Gallo] and I, we don't really speak anymore. But I'll always love him, and I hope that he makes another movie that's a million times better than Buffalo '66 or The Brown Bunny and blows everybody out of the water. And he will, if he can ever get the money for it.
Maybe we went too far. I think I thought it was going to be different. But I still think it's a beautiful, sad film.
I think Lars von Trier has inspired so many kids to rebelieve in film as a great art form — you know, we can push the limits and do something different.
You don't have to show everything. People make too many cuts. You can just stay on someone's face and get the whole story.
My first job was in sixth grade, sweeping the clay tennis courts at the yacht club near my house, which I was not a member of. Always had to pay my own rent. But I don't really have any concept of how money works. I don't know how much things cost. Like a BMW. Or a quart of milk. It's embarrassing. My brother, when he was a commodities trader, would bring me the pamphlets you bring home to your children, like, "Daddy trades orange juice."
I've never felt like I had very much to say. Maybe that'll come later in life.
Interviewed by Ryan D'Agostino, October 24, 2008