Who but the extraordinary Cate Blanchett could take on the roles of Elizabeth I and Bob Dylan? Geoffrey Macnab applauds the Katharine Hepburn of our times


"Clocks, watermelons, the roar of the universe," Cate Blanchett replied in typically gnomic fashion when asked recently what Bob Dylan meant to her. The Australian star has just won a Best Actress award at the Venice Film Festival for her performance as... Bob Dylan in Todd Haynes' I'm Not There. Haynes chose Blanchett – one of six actors who portray Dylan in the movie – because he wanted a woman. "I felt it was the only way to resurrect the true strangeness of Dylan's physical being in 1966, which I felt had lost its historical shock value over the years."



Judging by the critical response, it was an inspired choice. "Blanchett is, appropriately enough, truly electrifying," wrote Todd McCarthy in Variety, pointing out that the Australian actress had "uncannily got down the skittish movements, wary eyes, curt mumble and occasional flashes of brilliance, and comes far closer than anyone else to approximating the Dylan the public knows."

「凱特,恰如其分地,璀璨奪目。」「(凱特) 不著痕跡地抓住了那膽怯的舉止,疲憊的眼神,唐突的碎語以及過隙的光采,比其他演員更加完整詮釋我們所熟悉的狄倫。」影評們認為找凱特扮演狄倫真是神來一筆!

At precisely the moment she was being feted by the Venice jury, audiences and critics in Toronto were responding equally enthusiastically to her second stab at Queen Bess, in Working Title's Elizabeth: The Golden Age.


This versatility underlines why Blanchett is one of the supreme screen actors of her era, but also underlines why she is not one of its best-loved stars. She is too quicksilver, too spiky. Contemplating her career, it is hard not to be reminded of another equally imperious and volatile performer from the golden age of Hollywood, namely Katharine Hepburn.


Of course, Blanchett gave a virtuoso – if extraordinarily mannered – performance as Hepburn opposite Leonardo DiCaprio's Howard Hughes in Scorsese's The Aviator. She had the Hepburn hauteur and that famous drawling East Coast voice down perfectly. The trick to portraying a real-life character like Hepburn, she has suggested, is to research exhaustively: study the voice and mannerisms, watch the old interviews, read the books.


Then, when the job begins in earnest, "throw it all away and rely on instinct".


It's striking how closely her career resembles that of Hepburn. "Katharine of Arrogance", Hepburn was famously nicknamed. In the 1930s, her headstrong ambition was frowned on in Hollywood. Nor did the studios care for her choice of parts. Like Blanchett, she had an androgynous quality and a strength of character that discomfited her bosses. They couldn't understand why Hepburn wanted to cut her hair off and play a girl impersonating a boy in George Cukor's gender-bending Sylvia Scarlett. She was once voted "box-office poison" by US exhibitors.


老人痴影症:Katharine Hepburn

Nobody would be as crudely sexist today about Blanchett, yet she has been criticised for her adventurous choices of role. She never plays bland or wholly likeable types. She is not going to be the girl-next-door or the deferential wife. Sometimes, her sheer force of personality can count against her; in Richard Eyre's Notes on a Scandal, though she gives a typically intelligent, nuanced performance, you simply can't believe in such a strong actress playing the weak-willed and fey Sheba, the north London mum and teacher who begins an affair with a teenage schoolboy.



Sometimes, her performances can seem eccentric and overstated. As Lola in Sally Potter's The Man Who Cried, she adopted a Russian accent so thick it might have embarrassed Lotte Lenya's Rosa Klebb. In The Good German, her stab at playing a Marlene Dietrich femme fatale was ridiculed in some quarters. "Cate Blanchett should be brought to justice by some military police force for those ridiculous contact lenses that make her look as if someone's stuck two liquorice allsorts into her eye sockets," complained The Guardian.


現在看過了,縱情四海真他媽難看,凱特也真的是個 overact,好德國人則是眾人皆醉我獨醒。

At least, Blanchett is never bland. When she is bad, she is spectacularly bad. This comes from boldness. "If you know you are going to fail, then fail gloriously," is one of her slogans. Her interpretations are so recklessly full-blooded that if she is hitting a discordant note, the performances can be painful to watch – and listen to.


Thankfully, the off-key performances are rare. She is notoriously picky about her roles. "I've got a great agent," she once said in explanation. "She said to me, when I first made a film in America, 'Do you really want to do this? It is going to be on the video shelf for the rest of your life and you'll always know you made it.'" Ever since, if a film hasn't passed the "video shelf" test, she has refused to do it.

還好凱特很少失常。凱特對於角色是出了名地挑剔。「我的經紀人棒極了。」凱特如此解釋。「 "妳真的想清楚了嗎?往後人生旅程,電影將會一直擺在錄影帶架上,大家都知道妳拍過那部電影。" 當我第一次到美國拍片,經紀人這樣告訴我。」從此,只要是無法通過錄影帶架測驗的電影,凱特一律謝敬不敏。

Nor is she keen on small-talk with journalists. I interviewed her before The Aviator came out and made the mistake of mentioning her bath in Brighton. At the time, she lived in the seaside town. A story picked up in the press suggested that Blanchett had caused Brighton to come to a standstill while she had a huge bath installed in the top floor of her house. It had been a complicated manoeuvre involving cranes and – it was alleged – massive traffic disruption. Bathroom refurbishment, it turned out, was not a subject she was eager to pursue. "I was astounded at what they [the press] said it cost," she grumbled, adding that "when you live high up in a terraced house with narrow stairs, anything big needs to be taken up with a crane." One guesses that the British media's interest in her bathroom may have hastened her decision to leave the UK and re-establish her home in Australia.


The irritability and defiance she sometimes shows in interviews were there V C right at the start of her career. It's telling that Blanchett originally thought the play that made her name when she was starting out in Sydney was "a misogynistic piece of crap". When she was cast as the student who accuses her professor of sexual harassment in David Mamet's Oleanna, her instinct was to turn the part down because of its dubious sexual politics. She ended up appearing with Geoffrey Rush (an actor almost as protean as she is) in a production she now acknowledges as a pivotal moment in her career. In hindsight, what she relished about Mamet's play was precisely what she disliked at first: the way it provoked such strong opinions, from loathing to wild enthusiasm. "It punches an audience senseless," she said admiringly.


"Before we did Oleanna," Rush said of her, "I had seen one of Cate's school productions and was pinned to my seat, thinking, 'Who is this extraordinary creature, with this maturity of performance yet still in drama school?' Even when she's doing nothing, you get this interplay between vulnerability and assurance."


Rush's remarks hint at what has always made Blanchett so distinctive: the mix of arrogance and fragility, of harshness and introspection. It helps that she's beautiful in a Garbo-esque way; she has one of those strong, expressive faces the camera loves.


Cate Blanchett: Queen of the screen (2)



A Streetcar Named Desire

Nov 27—Dec 20*

By Tennese Williams
Sydney Theatre Company
Directed By Liv Ullmann

"...how often do you get to watch an actress of such virtuosity pulling out every stop of her instrument and then some?" —The New York Times on Cate Blanchett


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