Jonathan Trevanny
: One of them's still alive.
Tom Ripley: How do you know?
Jonathan Trevanny: Well, I heard it on the world news.
Tom Ripley: Jesus. I always figured you for a talk radio man. Okay, well, I guess I didn't strangle him long enough. It's not like a garrote comes with a manual.
魔鬼報復敵人的方法就是讓敵人體驗做壞事的罪惡感 (快感)。
捕鼠器 (應該也沒有附贈說明書) 發揮作用後,男主角為了幫雷普利擋子彈,於家中客廳身亡,男主角老婆朝雷普利臉上吐了呸口水,雷普利趕回老婆演奏會,手捧鮮花從容得很。馬可維奇想必吃了很多魔鬼餅才會如此魔鬼。本片曾出現在 Roger Ebert 的被忽略影展片單。
← based on the novel by Patricia Highsmith