
Jack: So tell me everything. Details. I like details.
Miles: No.
Jack: What?
Miles: It's private.
Jack: You're kidding, right? Tell me what happened, you fucker, or I'll tie your dick in a knot.
Miles: Let's leave it alone.

Jack looks at Miles, his face frozen with incomprehension.

Jack: You didn't get any, did you? (off Miles's silence) You're a homo.
Miles: Just stop, okay? Make something up, and that's what happened. Whatever you want. Write my confession, and I'll sign it. Just stop pushing me all the time! I can't take it! You're an infant! This is all a big party for you, but not for me! This is serious. And you -- Just... leave me alone, okay? You're fucking me up.
Jack: Wow. Okay. Calm down. Sorry.

Miles begins to calm down. Jack grows concerned and sensitively puts one arm around his friend.

Jack: Did you have trouble performing? Yeah, that's...
Miles: Shut up! Shut up, Jack!

The phone RINGS and both men look at it, silenced by the ominous sound.

Neither could I.


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