Did you say alleged, Yancy? Did you hear him say alleged
You have to get allegedly into your vocabulary if you want to be a lawyer.

Allegedly. - No, that was a fact.
But I appreciate the effort. - Thanks.

You ever been to my apartment? - No.
By that I mean my apartment building. - Allegedly.

I'm sorry. You have or you haven't. Allegedly doesn't figure into it.
I have...been there, yes.

諾頓出道時 (27) 可是相當俊美。非常喜歡李察吉爾有關 "據說" 的妙用,就和我常用 "理論上" 來危言聳聽和規避責任是一樣的。李察吉爾是最佳配角的最佳配角。

差點被諾頓揍的李察吉爾前愛人女律師是 Laura Linney (32),我這個世代的最佳女配角之一。心理醫生是 Frances McDormand,評價同前者,老公是柯恩兄弟的哥哥 Joel Coen,掛名導演,頭髮比較多比較亂那位。

joel-coen ← 他生日只跟我差一天耶!

State of Play (2008)

Edward Norton
Brad Pitt...... Fight Club reunion!!!
Helen Mirren!!!
Robin Wright Penn
Rachel McAdams

Motherless Brooklyn (2008)

Director: Edward Norton
Writers: Edward Norton (screenplay)

Status: Announced 
Status Updated: 2 July 2007 

"Motherless Brooklyn" is about Lionel Essrog, a detective with Tourette's Syndrome. When his mentor is murdered, he must go and find the killer. 




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