Billy Maplewood: Dad?

Bill Maplewood: Yes, Billy?

Billy Maplewood: Everyone at school is saying things about you.
Bill Maplewood: Who is everyone?
Billy Maplewood: Like, kids, you know. Everyone.

Bill Maplewood: What are they saying?

Billy Maplewood: That... you're... a serial rapist. And a pervert.

Bill Maplewood: You mean, like what they painted on the house?

Billy Maplewood: Dad, did you, um... uh... with... Johnny Grasso (see below) and Ronald Farber?
Bill Maplewood: Yes.

Billy Maplewood: What... did you do?

Bill Maplewood: I touched them.

Billy Maplewood: What do you mean, exactly, touched?

Bill Maplewood: I fondled them.

Billy Maplewood: What for?

Bill Maplewood: I couldn't help myself.

Billy Maplewood: What else?

Bill Maplewood: I... I unzipped myself.

Billy Maplewood: You... you mean, masturbated?

Bill Maplewood: No.

Billy Maplewood: Then what?

Bill Maplewood: I... made love.

Billy Maplewood: What do you mean?        

Bill Maplewood: I fucked them. 

Billy Maplewood: What was it like?
Bill Maplewood: It was... it was great.

Billy Maplewood: Would you do it again?

Bill Maplewood: Yes.

Billy Maplewood: Would... would you ever... fuck me?

Bill Maplewood:
No. I'd jerk off instead.                    

check the Maplewoods in Happiness 


I've got Johnny Grasso in my arms.




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