: I was wondering if I could talk to you for a minute before you go.
Troy: See, the thing is that, um...
Lelaina: Well...
Troy: my dad died.
Lelaina: Oh, god, Troy. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
Troy: No. It... What happened was that, um... I kind of got this arcane glimpse at the universe. And the best thing that I can say about that is... I don't know. I have this planet of regret sitting on my shoulders. And you have no idea how much I wish that I could go back to that morning after we made love and do everything different.
Ethan 的角色是那種很哭爸的才子,動不動就冒出像晦澀宇宙或是悔恨之星這種字眼。悔恨之星這意象很有詩意,我們常以人物命名星球,但一顆星球是以悔恨命名時,代表其悔恨已經可以聚集成星球了,而且還得背著她。我想不出更具悔恨之意的表達了。
法國版標題改為九零世代,更符合原版的副標題:A comedy about love in the '90s. 這張海報我不知道是色差還是故意,要藍不藍要綠不綠的,就像你我永遠回不去卻也忘不了的的青澀。
九零世代比較適合放在薇諾娜瑞德和 Ethan 的青春之愛,而 Reality Bites 就是屬於 Ben Stiller 的部份了。本片的導演是 Ben Stiller,或許誇張搞笑比言之有物好賺錢吧!And that's just how Reality Bites, isn't it?
附帶筆者最愛的附帶一提,繼九四年的現實咬人,九六年的 The Cable Guy,中文翻王牌特派員也是我覺得明明很好看的黑色喜劇,我覺得明明很好看被罵的電影真不少,零一年自編自導自演 Zoolander 更是高明,戲而不謔。原本想找張 Ethan 和薇諾娜瑞德的劇照,但因為 Ethan 那頭黏膩的長髮比在 Before Sunrise 還難看而作罷,不然薇諾娜瑞德很可愛的。我不懂為什麼 Zooey Deschanel 會被比為小薇諾娜瑞德,和小布的刺客電影要紅啊!