
1. characterized by or exhibiting opulence: an opulent suite. 
2. wealthy, rich, or affluent.
3. richly supplied; abundant or plentiful: opulent sunshine.  
Rich and visually [ornate], Murder is opulent in both style and pacing. The leisurely direction appears well-suited to most members of the large, talented cast.

。消瘦 Meager

The film finishes by exploring hetero motifs: Encolpio discovers that he is impotent while [flailing] around on the alter of the whore-priestess, and then recovers his [virility] while pleasuring Oneothea, a corpulent [sorceress] sex therapist.
Dallessandro seeks to [advance] his career by bedding anyone who is able to help him, from [corpulent] lady motel owners, to the gay boyfriend of a movie star's ex-husband.
Not all of the material on Left of the Middle [fares] as well, however, such as the Alanis Morissette sound-alike "Intuition," but Imbruglia need not worry about being [lumped] into the copycat category; for the most part, she has a style all her own.
The book, a fictional diary of a [plump] 30-something London office worker
... who is not [plump] and is from Texas, there was [gnashing] and [wailing]
And reality is what he's been lacking [in] a love life based largely on his [inflamed] fantasies about the [plump] wife (Valeria Bruni-Tedeschi) of the local baker (Vincent Gallo, playing an American in France).
What did you plump for? Um, the soup and fried sole.
is a philanderer whose adventures are forgiven by his [merry], [buxom] wife, Alma
The circus's [portly] owner recalls a humiliating incident involving the company's clown.
It could be anyone, though -- from ominous Uncle Eric to portly nightclub manager Garvey,

The [child] seemed to be blubbering something about a lost ring. 鯨脂,鯨油
[thick], blubber lips, blubber-[faced].  
Penn even tries to evoke the working-class [blubber] of the original version's star, Broderick Crawford 
Oh, come now. Mashers went out with whalebone corsets and hairnets. 鯨鬚,鯨鬚製品
short and fat or thick 
an [infant's] pudgy fingers.
The second couple notice [subtle] changes in the hitherto [dweeby], [pudgy], socially awkward Adam,
He's already got a bunch of cellulite. Look at all that goop. (肥胖者大腿等處的) 脂肪團
Why is Uncle Arthur always in the bathroom? He has to drain his sebaceous cyst. You know that.【生理】似油脂或皮脂的
moisten (meat or other food) while cooking, with drippings, butter, etc.
Mama ain't cookin', bastin' floppin' pork chops.

the height of a human or animal body.
She was rather [small] in stature.
Thomas Jefferson was a man of [great] stature.
Film noir is rarely about heroes, but about men of small [stature], who are lured out of their timid routines by dreams of wealth or romance. Their sin is one of [hubris]: These little worms dare to dream of themselves as rich or happy. 
Nixon has his way with Frost through the first three [sessions], telling long stories, reinforcing his presidential [stature] and digressing when his [interlocutor] attempts to put him on the spot. 
goes from television stardom on "E. R." to another try at [leading]-man stature on the big screen.

He looked very dapper in his new [suit]. 
to [walk] with a dapper step
The Ninth Gate stars a [solemn] and [dapper] Johnny Depp as a rare-book hustler.
However, Paula abandons her studies because she's fallen in love with [dapper], [handsome] Gregory Anton. 
of the nature of or resembling a stub 
and thick or broad, thick-set or squat 
stubby [fingers]
of solid and sturdy form or build, thick-set and, usually, short
Rose first attempts to seduce sweet but stocky [Rodney]
bulky in figure, heavily built, corpulent, thickset, fat
She is getting too stout for her dresses.
Yes, your cheeks are pink, and your legs are stout.
The character that Joseph Cotten plays in this version was changed from a [stout], humorously sardonic elderly man to a young, handsome one in order to serve as a potential love interest for Ingrid Bergman in the film, and in order to appeal more to the audience.
Why don't we hear what Susie has to say? That's stout of you, but perhaps Susie may not care to air her views in public.
short and fat or thick 
an [infant's] pudgy fingers.
Look around you. Each and every one is special. Look at my salesgirls. That pudgy one. Or the brunette outside. I spend my days at my clients' feet. Why else would I do this job?
low or stunted, as trees
I bring a little bit of non-[glossiness] to glossy movies, and it’s cool that I get to do that, but [normally] I look like a scrubby teacher’s assistant.


an animal that is small or stunted as compared with others of its kind
would you believe a runt like that is getting married?
cf. palsy
ridiculously or insultingly small 
a paltry [sum] [coward]
"Good Lord, man," he tells Marvin, "do you mean to say you'd bring down this immense organization for a [paltry] $93,000?
Madam, your dildos are not to compare with what I've seen. Indeed, they're paltry ware.
of less than normal size and strength, weak
important, insignificant, petty or minor
when we conceive a work of art, is always to some extent a stand-in for the [puny] or [pitiful] one that we have been personally landed with.
You look right puny for goin' on seven.

Of course, if you talk enthusiastically about your work in advertising, you sound like a total cretin.【醫】矮呆病患者,愚侏病者
So what is it you want? Tell me, what? Some private school full of idiots and daddy's boys? The same as your moronic cousin who's over twenty and still in high school? Give me a break with that cretin!
15-year-olds the recent American screen has produced in this age of adolescent [cretins] and horny [toads].
I just... I guess the dancing phase of my life is over. I'm afraid my skill atrophied.【醫】萎縮,發育停止,虛脫
The colour is so fresh and gorgeous, the misty [atrophic] lips, and this pale skin, wetness but putrefied.
Tell us what it feels like not to feel. Well, I have pretty good sensation, actually, not too much atrophy.
I don't like Laura Pritchard. She's got adenoids. Nonsense. She's a most agreeable girl, and I want you to be very nice to her.【醫】腺樣增殖體,肥大的腺組織 (指小兒咽扁桃腺而言)

I don't give one infinitesimal damn what Lil thought or thinks.【數】無窮小的, 無限小的
And when I realize the infinitesimal part of this I possess, it makes me shudder.

gigantic, enormous, colossal 
From his early days with Roger Corman, Demme [possessed] both a gargantuan humanism and a light touch.

a boat with a monolithic [hull] 
and the resulting scandal is accompanied by a media frenzy of [monolithic] proportions.
There he encounters [stalwarts] like Jean-François Jardie, as [dapper] as a flying ace in his leather jacket, and Le Bison, a sort of [human] menhir. 
Building the new railroad will be a mammoth job.
the state or character of being monstrous
Harold? Why you purchased that monstrosity, I have no idea.



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