
1. a strict disciplinarian, esp. a military one.
2. someone who stubbornly adheres to methods or rules. 

1670–80; after General Jean Martinet (d. 1672), French inventor of a system of drill

The central struggle is between Mox and Coach Kilmer (Jon Voight, in another of a group of striking recent performances). Kilmer is a [close]-cropped martinet who [addresses] pep rallies with a vaguely Hitlerian salute, and has won two state titles and 22 district championships in 30 years. Now he wants the 23rd, at any cost.

One of Mox's friends is the enormous Billy Bob (Ron Lester), whose breakfast consists of pancakes chased down with syrup swigged straight from the bottle. Without revealing what happens to him, I will express my gratitude to Robbins and his writer, W. Peter Iliff, for not marching lockstep down the well-traveled road of inevitable developments.



and not any adolescent, but the kind of teenage boy who goes to martial arts movies and fantasizes about guns and girls with great big [garbanzos].【植】鷹嘴豆
That's right. Now if you excuse me, you got some pimento loaf in there.【西】紅色柿子椒 
Can I get two of those truffles, and two ganaches? 【植】塊菌 (一種食用菌)
They're in everything: In truffles, in oysters...
I got you saveloy. 乾臘腸
chitterling sausages, smoked fish. (豬等的) 小腸
This place is filthy. Hey, I clean it. This has botulism.【醫】臘腸桿菌中毒 (罐頭肉類食品中毒的一種)
I didn't want to bother you none. I brung you these here hickory nuts as part of my entailment. 山胡桃屬植物
I used to work at a smorgasbord. Old people came, and they love to eat. They jammed their mouths, ate with their mouths open and it was too much. 北歐式的正餐前小菜,供應此種小菜的餐廳
Beets. That's all there is. 甜菜,糖蘿蔔
He seemed totally prone to every possible kind of illness. Harold, dear, eat up your beets.
They have good skewers here. That's why I come often. 串,烤肉叉子
How much I took? What is it, hollandaise sauce? 蛋黃奶油酸辣醬
Is all that stuff true about Errol Flynn? How he used to put paprika on his dick... to make it, you know, like... more stimulating for the chick? 辣椒粉
Darling, would you care for anything? lf... there's some... chicken bouillon left.【法】(牛肉等的) 清湯
You've heard of a hair of the dog? Beef bouillon floater there.
Everything nice comes with you, Clara, hot broth, cool breeze from the river. (用肉、蔬菜等煮成的清淡的) 湯
We'll drink to Thatcher and your beautiful launderette. Do they go together? Like dal and chapattis. 一種帶辣味的印度菜 (用蠶豆、豌豆或小扁豆製成)
Omar just runs you around everywhere, like a servant. I'll stay here with my friend... and fight it out. My family, Salim and all... will swallow you up like a little kebab.【印度】烤肉串

It's all right. Um, we know what we'd like. We'll take two tricolored salads... one grilled salmon on lentils with roasted potatoes and a Penne Alfredo. 兵豆,濱豆,扁豆
Would you like to try some chowder? 海鮮雜燴濃湯
Will, all this time, this summer, all I've done is put up 22 jars of piccalilli, and I put down a corn beef in a crock. 辣醃菜,辣泡菜

Within hours of [providing] Rose with sustenance, her victims fall prey to an incurable, highly contagious disease that turns them into raving lunatics who foam [at] the mouth and attack others indiscriminately.
Actually, Evelyn does make a few helpful [sartorial] suggestions, encourage a weight-loss regimen,【醫】攝生,食物療法【罕】統治,政體【文】支配 (關係)
That is a solid gain after "Anne," with Genevieve Bujold's [gulping] and Richard Burton's [hemming] and [hawing].
the mnemonic talents of Eliza and the gulping spiritual [thirst] experienced by the rest of the family.
He is in the last stages of cocaine addiction, [gulping] booze to level [off] the drug high.
As Evelyn's agenda folds into LaBute's, The Shape of Things suggests a more personal issue—a [self]-devouring contempt for theater itself. 
You look great. I could gobble you right up.
He blows his whistle and you sit, you stand, you grab, gobble...
Good old Una. Gobbling like a turkey hen.
Although Jeff says upfront he's "very aware of the legal boundaries," he doesn't prevent his guest from [guzzling] alcohol.
Sure, it builds up a [lurid] impression of its [booze]-guzzling hero as a man who is [howling] with lusty lamentation,
Mark Millar (Wanted, Kick Ass) is such a hot [property] these days that the mere mention of a new project from him has Hollywood-types chomping at the bit.

victuals, food supplies, provisions
Each of these young ladies here has packed two boxed suppers, and the high bidder wins not only the delicious vittles, but also the privilege of eatin' 'em, with the fair young maiden who prepared 'em with her own lily-white hands.

whose breakfast consists of pancakes chased down with syrup swigged straight from the bottle. 
a screwdriver-[swilling], [scalpel]-wielding gender-avenger who's all of 14 years old.
Withnail is a [ferocious] drunk, but he was played by the [teetotaler] Richard E. Grant. Grant "filled a tumbler with vodka and topped it off with a bit of Pepsi", then [swilled] the whole thing down.
He imbibed great quantities of iced [tea]. 
Plenty of audience members are sure to shut down before they can [imbibe] a single footnote of the story's subtext.



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