1. a brown pigment obtained from the inklike secretion of various cuttlefish (墨魚,烏賊) and used with brush or pen in drawing.
2. a drawing made with this pigment.
3. a dark brown.
4. Photography. a print or photograph made in this color.
5. any of several cuttlefish of the genus Sepia, producing a dark fluid used naturally for defense and, by humans, in ink.
6. of a brown, grayish brown, or olive brown similar to that of sepia ink.
Pic rapidly introduces the Spirit's flamboyant archnemesis, the Octopus (Samuel L. Jackson), who seems just as immune [to] bodily injury as the Spirit is; voluptuous gold-digger Sand Saref (Eva Mendes),
with whom the Spirit shares a troubled, sepia-[toned] history; pugnacious police commissioner Dolan (Dan Lauria) and his daughter, Ellen (Sarah Paulson), a doctor who has long carried a torch for the masked crusader.
dun 暗褐色,討債者 The dun-[shaded] chromatic scheme seems part of the general [haplessness]
tawny 黃褐色 At 33, he has a tawny, domineering [fiancée]
ocher【礦】赭石,赭土 the ochre beauty of [Barcelona]
drab 黃褐色 (布)
a perfect alabaster [form], still taking blows from the sculptor's [chisel].