

1. a mark (¨) used as a diacritic (有區別的) over a vowel, as ä, ö, ü, to indicate a vowel sound different from that of the letter without the diacritic, esp. as so used in German

Compare dieresis. a sign (¨) placed over the second of two adjacent vowels to indicate separate pronunciation, as in one spelling of the older forms naïve and coöperate: no longer widely used in English.

2. Also called vowel mutation. (in Germanic languages) assimilation in which a vowel is influenced by a following vowel or semivowel. 

–verb (used with object) 
3. to modify by umlaut.
4. to write an umlaut over. 

Take out some tissues for tears, because it would seem Chloë’s "Ask Chloë" (or "Ask Chloe"”, rather — the absence of the umlaut bothers me to no end, though) style column in the UK publication of Elle is no more. 

In addition to the column not being featured in the latest (December) issue of the magazine, it would now seem the feature has also been removed from the website Go on, try it. It’s not there — and I’m bummed out.

1. a person who avoids work 
sponges on others; loafer; idler

0.0 嘲笑羞辱指控
0.5 挑剔

0.6 語言標點符號
epitome [i-pit-uh-mee]
eponymous [uh-pon-uh-muhs]
etymology /ɛtəˈmɒlədʒi/
a branch of zoology that deals with insect.

You owe me three months. I don't owe you. I owe Danielle. Don't get semantic.
It seems likely that the Harvard-educated Aronofsky would know Roland Barthes's essay on the [semiotics] of wrestling.
He takes one semiotics class, and I'm supposed to...
any literary or rhetorical device as metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, and irony
the movie is a veritable scrapbook of [tropes] from the heyday of art film.【語】轉義,比喻 
The brief return to Israel at pic's end [contains] one rapid [visual] trope that may pass many auds by.
To some extent, as that speech suggests, "The Wrestler" is as simple as its title. The pathos of personal ruin is an established [trope],
For evidence of this, look no further than six of the major releases of the past month. We’ve got: The Expendables, a tribute to the [testosterone]-filled macho-men movies of the '80s; Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, an all-encompassing satirization of movie tropes going as far back as the Shaw brothers films of the '70s; Piranha 3D, a [sleazy] horror throwback to '70s/'80s exploitation. 
Once the tropes and conventions of a particular genre/subgenre have been established, all that's left to do is recycle them.
All of which I’m taking as an indication that the film goes beyond some of the almost twee Wes Anderson tropes and other elements that seem carried forward from so many other films.
All of that is aided by a directorial style and script that forgoes many traditional Hollywood tropes, letting the audience most of the work.
Rhetoric. a figure of speech by which a locution produces an incongruous, seemingly self-contradictory effect, as in "cruel kindness" or "to make haste slowly."
The fact that so many [likable], talented actors lined up to participate in this train wreck of a laughless comedy drama is a [testament] to the power of packaging and the inability of even the most gifted to suss out worthy material in what passes for the modern-day "entertainment industry" (has there ever been a greater [oxymoron]?).【文】矛盾修飾法
I'm a good cop! Oh... that's a total oxymoron. And remember, I was there. When you realized what you'd done.

a way or manner of speaking
legal [parlance]
analyze in terms of grammatical constituents
it’s unclear if it’s a [tic] or if he’s [parsing] his words as carefully as possible. 
people whose education taught them to [parse] others' sentences for slight
Sure, I could speculate endlessly on whether White was [purposefully] trying to be a [troll], but without being able to speak with him directly, without being able to [parse] his points, that's all it would ever be: speculation.

Spell it either with or without the [cedilla]. Pronounce it fuh-SAHD. 
the absence of the [umlaut] bothers me to no end, though
In between [virgules], the commas that punctuate Arnaud's life story
Ditto [for] John Hawkes, of Deadwood fame

Winslet has played American women without [straining], but this time she [enunciates] with laborious precision,
to omit (a vowel, consonant, or syllable) in pronunciation
Law. to annul or quash
Postscript noting the fates of certain characters conveniently [elides] the sad and/or ironic destinies awaitin[g s]ome of them. 
where a smooth-talkin' [deejay] (Samuel L. Jackson) [spins] the platters that matter
His [heavy] use of off-screen space and [elliptical] story-telling has also been widely noted. However, the keystone to Hou Hsiao Hsien's innovative style is his camera placement.
This [terse], elliptical, complicated film reveals new layers with each viewing despite the somewhat simplistic hopefulness of its message that love and loyalty can [conquer] differences in class, politics, and ethnic background.
Director Andrzej Zulawski achieved his most widespread international success with this elliptical, allegorical tale of a disintegrating marriage and its grotesque byproducts.
A visual or tongue-twisting [metathesis] could conceivably cause [illegible] and [ineligible] ("not qualified, not suitable") to be interchanged accidentally.【語】音位轉換
noting sounds like those spelled with s in this
Vanessa Redgrave, plays Sister Jeanne with a plastic [hump], a Hansel-and-Gretel giggle, and so much [sibilance] that when she says "Satan is ever ready to seduce us with sensual delights,
Last night l was awakened from a fitful sleep, shortly after 2:00 in the morning by a shrill, sibilant, faceless voice.
a speech defect consisting in pronouncing s and z like or nearly like the th- sounds of thin and this, respectively.
So I think they’ve f***ed it up already! Deception," he can’t help repeating with italicized disgust, trying [out] the title in a Spanish-sounding [lisp].
However, it is the character of Jack Celliers (David Bowie) in Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence (1983) that is similar to T.E. Lawrence according to Nick Nobel of the Austin Film Society. Both characters have blonde hair, are thin, have a slight [lisp] and are conflicted about war and other men.
Alex, what was the problem? What do you think? His onomatopoeia? His skin? His smell? Or was it the tarzan yell?【語】擬聲,象聲詞【修辭】擬聲法

Please, not in public! I keep telling Pamela not to brood about it. Let's have no talk of [bestial] orgasms, erotic tonguings.【音】運舌法
Because no amount of friends, no girl, no assignments about conjugating the [pluperfect], or determining the square root of the hypotenuse, is gonna help me avoid my fate.【文】過去完成式

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