1. a wreath (花圈) or festoon (花彩) of flowers, leaves, or other material, worn for ornament or as an honor or hung on something as a decoration: A garland of laurel was placed on the [winner]'s head.
2. a representation of such a wreath or festoon.
3. a collection of short literary pieces, as poems and ballads; literary miscellany.
4. Nautical. a band, collar, or grommet (金屬扣眼,索環), as of rope.
–verb (used with object)
5. to crown with a garland; deck with garlands.
I get the point, but I must admit [to] feeling more bullied than convinced. No one wants a movie that tiptoes in step with political correctness, yet the willful opposite can be equally noxious, and, as "In Bruges" [barges] and [blusters] its way through dwarf jokes, child-abuse jokes, jokes about fat black women, and moldy old jokes about Americans, it runs the risk of pleasing itself more than its paying viewers.
McDonagh is a garlanded playwright, famed for "The Pillowman" and "The Beauty Queen of Leenane," and it comes as no surprise that this film (his first feature, after an Oscar-winning short entitled "Six Shooter") should be [menaced] by its creator’s gifts.
artichoke hemlock shrubbery exuberant (green) turf swathe
Those who dislike Rohmer's verbosity will again find themselves [on] unfriendly turf here,
When you talk [literature] you're getting into my turf.
He was turf[ed] [from] leadership of the [group].
legume 豆科植物
vertebrate 脊椎動物
gill 腮
pectoral 胸鰭