

–verb (used with object) 
1. to beat with a stick or the like; cudgel (棍棒打); flog; thrash.
2. to defeat decisively, as in a game or contest.
3. to drive as if by flogging: Latin grammar was drubbed into their [heads]. 
4. to stamp (the feet). 

5. a blow with a stick or the like. 

Despite a solid pedigree, with Bryan Singer and Christopher McQuarrie taking up directing and writing duties respectively, Valkyrie has taken a drubbing on the PR front, mostly because of people’s [poisonous] initial reactions to Tom Cruise as Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg. A recent article at the NYTimes laid out what a high-stakes bet Valkyrie is for MGM Studios:

Valkyrie has turned into a test not only of Mr. Cruise’s career [durability], but of MGM’s determination — with new ownership, and under the chairmanship of Harry E. Sloan since 2005 — to be taken seriously as a producer and distributor of the kind of risky event films that define a major studio.

If Valkyrie succeeds, even moderately, MGM wins a modicum of credibility in image-is-everything Hollywood. 

A failure brings fresh sniping that the studio does not know what it is doing, making the job of attracting top-notch talent even harder. Financially speaking, the stake[s] are considerable. With a stated production budget of $75 million — competitors insist it is closer to $90 million — 

Valkyrie is the most expensive film made for distribution by MGM [under]  Sloan’s watch. The studio will now spend about $60 million to market the movie — if nothing else, to make the point that it can play in the big leagues.

He snipped [off] the corner of the packet.

The [table] wobbled on its uneven legs.
His [voice] wobbled.
Dressed in tinfoil and [lurching] like Frankenstein's monster
It stars Jack Black as Jerry, a [shambling], logorrheic loser who lives in a trailer
Day-Lewis—an [ambling] scarecrow under [boater] and [musty] cloth coat
—is as rooted as an [oak] in his character and milieu

He got his comeuppance when the bully [thrashed] him.
The film finishes by exploring hetero motifs: Encolpio discovers that he is impotent while [flailing] around on the alter of the whore-priestess, 
and then [recovers] his virility while pleasuring Oneothea, a corpulent [sorceress] sex therapist.


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