slumber party




–verb (used without object) 
1. to sleep, esp. lightlydoze (打盹); drowse. (打瞌睡)

2. to be in a state of inactivity, negligence, 
calm: Vesuvius is slumbering.  

–verb (used with object) 
3. to spend or pass (time) in slumbering (often fol. by away, out, or through): to slumber the afternoon [away]
4. to dispel or forget by slumbering (often fol. by away): to slumber cares away.  

5. Sometimes, slumbers. sleep, esp. light sleep. 

6. a period of sleep, esp. light sleep.
7. a state of inactivity, quiescence, etc. 

On a drowsy St. Valentine's Day in 1900, a [party] of girls from a strict boarding school in Australia goes [on] a day's [outing] to Hanging Rock, a geological outcropping not far from their school. Three of the girls and one of their teachers disappear into [thin] air. One of them is found a week or so later, but can remember almost nothing. The others are never found.

And the noise. Lordy! This is a soundtrack so aggressive I was cringing in my seat. No merciful slumber during this film. Metal clangs, glass shatters, bullets are fired, people scream, and the volume of these sounds seems cranked up, compared with the surrounding dialogue, like they do with TV commercials. My eyes, ears and patience were assaulted. My hands and feet, OK.

There was a truce. The humans got the cities, and the trolls got the forests. But humans have cheated on our end of the deal by building parking lots and shopping malls, and now Prince Nuada (Luke Goss) defies his father the king and hopes to start the conflict again. 

This would involve awakening the Golden Army: 70 times 70 slumbering mechanical warriors. Standing against this decision is his twin sister, Princess Nuala (Anna Walton).

suggest the quiescence, sleep but may be roused to action
a dormant [volcano]
dead matter, with no inherent power, unable, heavy or hard to move
an inert [mass], inert from [hunger]
cf. schlep slouch scalp 
slowness, doesn not move readily or vigorously
a sluggish [stream] [brain] 
suspended physical powers, hibernate
[Snakes] are torpid in cold weather. 
But too often, the movie [sinks] into an [a]morphous state of emotional [torpor]

naturally disposed to avoid exertion
Autumn Tale has more of a [summer]time indolence than the [brisk] pace of fall. 
denotes a reprehensible unwillingness to carry one's share of the burden 
so slothful as to be a burden on [others].


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