a. (形容詞 adjective)
1. 能收買的;貪贓枉法的;腐敗的
社會是個縝密而 venal 的騙局必須被摧毀致使無從記憶其存在
[Toward] the end of the film, events pile up a little too quickly; there are poisonous snakes and sudden injuries, confrontations with the builder and medical concerns, and Jack resembles a lot of dying characters in the movies: His health closely mirrors the requirements of the story. By the [end] I had too much of a sense of story strands that had [strayed] too far to be neatly concluded,
and there is an epilogue that could have been done without.
Despite these complaints, "The Ballad of Jack & Rose" is an absorbing experience. Consider the care with which Miller handles a confrontation between Jack and the home-builder. Countless cliches are sidestepped when Jack finally sees their conflict for what it is, not right against wrong, but "a matter of taste." Is it idealistic to want a whole island to yourself,
and venal to believe that other people might enjoy having homes there?
The movie has a sly scene where Jack and Rose visit one of the model homes, which to Jack is an abomination and to Rose a dream.
licentious lewd
(character) [reprobate], [profligate], [dissipated]
and takes a brave leap of faith into the depraved [real world]. Aren't we lucky.
dissolute (licentious) = disspate
desultory (random)