
cf. devour


1. devoted to 
divine worship 
service; pious; religious: a devout Catholic.  

2. expressing devotion or piety: devout prayer. 
3. earnest or sincere; hearty: He had a devout allegiance to the political regime.  

He is trying to win the allegiance of the [mass][es].

1. worshipful; holy, saintly. See religious. 3. intense, serious, fervent, ardent.

Religious, devout, pious indicate a spirit of reverence toward God. 

Religious is a general word, applying to whatever pertains to faith or worship: a religious ceremony. 

Devout indicates a fervent 
spirit, usually genuine and often independent of outward observances: a [deeply] devout though [un]orthodox church member. 

Pious implies constant 
attention to, and extreme conformity with, outward observances. It can also suggest sham or hypocrisy: a pious [hypocrite]. 

1. irreverent.

This is an extremely violent, gory, and surreal [meditation] on the life of a young lad during the time of the Spanish Civil War, as he attempts to find out what happened to his father, who has disappeared. 

It turns out that his mother, devout in her loyalty to the Falange, has turned him in as a leftist. 

Multiple scenes involve [castration] 
and the consumption of [testicles]
, in one case by a victimized priest. 

The grotesquery includes a fantasy scene of a city swamped in the boy's urine, the mother having a bowel movement over the head of his father, and a deeply Oedipal scene with the boy, a bull and his mother. Not for the faint of heart, 


[ed-uh-puhl, ee-duh-]

this film [achieved] cult status
in New York City shortly after its release.

It is an unquestioning, ebullient [zest] for being sensate in the world.
and Silverstone was roundly praised for her effervescent [performance].

NOW HERE'S a saga of how things happen in little old New York, where just getting to lunch is sometimes an expedition. The Oliver Stone movie "W." arrived in town with all attendant PR fare and genuine interest because of the director and his famous subject. 

The Lionsgate premiere of the movie was to be at the Ziegfeld Theater, which holds 1,100 people. But had been given 100 seats... and promptly invited 400. The producers went crazy. They started calling the Museum of Modern Art to get them to give up several empty screening rooms, 

but MOMA boasts many devout [Republicans] on its board.

Even after Oliver Stone personally spoke to MOMA head Glen Lowry, he said that first, their movie guy, Raj Endra, would have to see the film. Raj looked at the second half of the movie, but MOMA insisted he'd have to inspect every single frame

There was a blizzard of emails going back and forth.

Oliver screamed, "But Liz Smith loved the movie! Can't you accept her verdict?" "

Curators have a rule that 

no film can be shown until Raj has OK it.") Finally Raj saw the first half of "W." Then he said OK. Now I hear that MOMA hopes some generous donor will buy a copy of "W." for their archives. Lionsgate, are you listening? 


mogul magnate czar tycoon
regent prexy

despot vassal enclave posse
a serf in [feudalism]
is [at] some level a [paean] of [praise] [to] the fortitude and moral courage that 
[paeon] a prosodic foot in verse - ---
[peon] social have-nots

We received an avalanche of [inquiries].
She was avalanched with [invitations].
The police found an arsenal of [knives and guns] in the terrorists' hideout.
an arsenal of [facts] used in a debate
a [coal] bunker.  
to bunker an army's [defenses].  

deluge (destruction)
inundation (area)
But she spends the following summer [sitting] 
on a mother [lode] of [rage] that will be [unleashed] in the film’s finale
cf. ode lodestar


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