


–verb (used without object) 
1. Informal. to complain naggingly or constantly; grumble. (發牢騷)
2. to suffer pain in the bowels
3. Nautical. (of a sailing vessel) to tend to come into the wind; to be ardent. (熱烈的;激動的) 

–verb (used with object) 
4. to seize and hold firmly; grip; grasp; clutch
5. to produce pain in (the bowels) as if by constriction. (壓縮)
6. to distress or oppress. 
7. to annoy or irritate: His tone of voice gripes me. 
8. to grasp or clutch, as a miser. 
9. Nautical. to secure (a lifeboat) to a deck or against a pudding boom on [davits]. (船弦的)吊柱;吊艇柱  

10. the act of gripping, grasping, or clutching. 
11. Informal. a nagging complaint. 
12. a firm hold; clutch. 
13. a grasp; hold; control. 
14. something that grips or clutches; a claw or grip.  

15. Nautical
a. a lashing or chain by which a boat is secured to a deck or in position on davits. 
b. Also called gripe piece. a curved timber connecting the stem or cutwater (艏柱分水處) of a wooden [hull] (船身;船殼) with the [keel]. see keel 
c. the exterior angle or curve formed by this piece; forefoot. 
d. the forward end of the dished keel of a metal hull.   
16. a handle, hilt (刀、劍、工具等的) 柄, etc. 
17. Usually, gripes. Pathology. an intermittent spasmodic pain in the bowels.  

1. whine, mutter, carp, rail, bellyache.

The setting is more persuasive than the plot, 

which recalls Chandler's gripe that even good detective fiction falls prey to the same contrivances as bad. 

It hinges [upon] improbable
slip-ups (錯誤;遺漏) and a naiveté that's unlikely even for the desperate. Indeed, the movie's most generic scenes are all crime-drama standard-issue, although Affleck does invest a familiar ambush scenario with the nerve-rattling use of limited perspective and convincing confusion. 

gripe 腸絞痛, complain, grip
dyspepsia 消化不良;胃弱
queasy 易於反胃的

strident strident [insects] [hinges], a strident tone in his [writings] 
screech the screech of [owls] [brakes], disagreeable, lack of dignity

While his Sundance peers such as Steven Soderbergh and Bryan Singer 

have [shed] their arthouse [skin] for [tentpole fare]

Kevin Smith -- the Woodstock Film Fest's ninth annual Maverick Award honoree -- remains faithful to more modestly budgeted forms of provocation.

"I shoot talky movies which are inexpensive," says Smith. "There's a lot more freedom (with a low budget), and the potential for return is greater on homevideo."

"He created a new genre of filmmaking with his humor," says Woodstock Film Fest co-founder Meira Blaustein. "He's does it with a reverence and a relevance to society and humanity."

Typically, [controversy] always finds →Smith -- a rep that began with 

tiffs over "Clerks" 
Catholic groups' gripes [over] 1999's "Dogma."

His latest romp, at least on the surface, should prove [no] different. Set outside his New Jersey "view askewniverse," "Zack and Miri Make a Porno" -- made for $24 million -- centers on two friends who fall in love with each other after making an X-rated pic. Smith submitted "Porno" three times to the MPAA and went through an appeals process before 

earning an [R] rating in lieu of [NC-17].

place; stead.
in lieu of, in place of; instead of: He gave us an [IOU] in lieu of [cash]. 

Explaining how À Nos Amours succeeds as a thought piece on existential dread for new fathers is probably not going to convince any of you to see the film, but you ought to give it a spin. For the first hour, 

À Nos Amours is searing 
[fires] on all

Ultimately it [slips], though, and the last third is a chatty act that [meanders] its way to a non-ending. Pialat was hardly a master filmmaker (though he plays Suzanne's father perfectly here), but he knew his way around a movie set just the same. He shoots À Nos Amours with an 


lens, and no one here escapes coming off in an unflattering light.

Give it a whirl in lieu of the usual horror fare you'd check out this weekend.


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