n. (名詞 noun)
1. 樂章結尾部;完結部;終曲
In a curious coda to such a minimalist film, Van Sant shows Blake's ghostly image leaving his body and ascending, not by floating up to heaven, but by climbing -- using the frames of a window as a ladder.
A medley of racing shadows turns out to be cast by a merry-go-round. (旋轉木馬) A long consideration of the setting sun as reflected on a train window that frames the onrushing landscape yields a sudden flood of light. There's a relaxed interest in backstage technique—the yet-to-be-erased techie visible in Song's film, a puppeteer's hidden "dance" in Suzanne's performance, the use of the end credits as a coda to the movie.
Scripter Morgan reserves his most emotionally powerful moments for the final reel, as the pic returns to Long-ford's radio interview and he answers the caller's question. A coda, set in 1997, only a few years before both Longford's and Hindley's deaths, brings a rather over-neat emotional closure [to] the film, as it fabricates a kind of reconciliation between the two.