


–verb (used with object) 
1. to reject or cast aside (a lover or sweetheart), esp. abruptly or unfeelingly.  

2. a woman who jilts a lover. 

Many jilted lovers indulge in a bit of stalking

even if it's only phoning the beloved at inappropriate times and hanging up. But when the stalker goes to the extremes that Graham does here, it's very creepy to watch. Committed is a less glossy (有光澤) version of Addicted to Love, in which Meg Ryan and Matthew Broderick got together while spying on their respective exes. 

Krueger is attempting to use a light touch to illuminate a difficult aspect of relationships: how to distinguish between healthy commitment and obsession. And were it not for its central performance, the film might have had a chance. 

But Graham is so wrapped up in her own kookiness

it's impossible to believe she notices anyone else's [existence], let alone that she could be in love. With Graham center screen in almost every scene, Committed becomes a film about a pathologically narcissistic woman, which I don't think is Krueger's intent. 

Committing to an actor is [every bit] as perilous as choosing a mate.

does anyone remember when Brolin 
was still cavorting [around] in films like Hollow Man?
cf. caper
spurn (reject, kick, rebuff)
but he can't bear the thought of Dante [abandoning him], so he acts like a spurned [girlfriend], unconsciously scheming to sabotage his pal's [impending] departure. 

joust jostle jut jot jolt 


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