matinee idol


ph. (片語 phrase)

          1.    受女戲迷崇拜的男演員

Dustin Hoffman > Biography

and [un]assuming, he was anything but the usual
matinee idol

yet he quickly distinguished [himself] among the most popular and celebrated screen performers of his generation. 

A few great directors have the ability to draw us into their dream world, into their personalities and obsessions and fascinate us with them for a short time. 

This is the highest [level] of escapism the movies can provide for us -- just as our elementary identification with a hero or a heroine was the lowest. 

As children, 
we went to [Saturday] matinees 

and for an afternoon 
we were [cowboys] and [Indians].

[mat-n-eyBrit. mat-n-ey]

As adults, there are more intellectual routes to escapism. A powerful director like Buñuel (or Bergman, Fellini, Hitchcock or Satyajit Ray) can open [up] his mind to us, the way an actress can open up her eyes. 

It is an experience worth [having].


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