1. unable to restrain natural
discharges or evacuations
of urine or feces.
2. unable to contain or retain (usually fol. by of):
incontinent [of] temper.
3. lacking in moderation or self-control, esp. of sexual desire.
4. unceasing or unrestrained:
an incontinent [flow] of [talk].
Bridget's campaign proceeds unhappily when her mother (who "comes from the time when pickles on toothpicks were still the height of sophistication") introduces her to handsome Mark Darcy (Colin Firth), who is at a holiday party against his will and in a bad mood and is overheard (by Bridget) describing her
as a "[verbally] incontinent spinster."
Things go better at work, where she exchanges saucy e-mails with her boss, Daniel Cleaver (Hugh Grant). His opener: "You appear to have forgotten your skirt." They begin an affair, while
Darcy [circles] the [outskirts of her consciousness],
still looking luscious
but acting [emotionally] constipated.
edification uplift
catharsis the purging or relieving of emotional tension[s]
defecate to void [excrement] from the bowels through the [anus]
tonsil litis
slough pustule
spinster harridan
bequeath besot expiate