–verb (used without object)
1. (of a liquid surface) to form small waves or undulations (小浪), as water agitated by a breeze.
2. to flow with a light rise and fall or ruffling (弄縐) of the surface.
3. (of a solid surface) to form or have small undulations, ruffles, or folds.
4. (of sound) to undulate or rise and fall in tone, inflection, or magnitude.
(水面等的) 波動;小浪
(土地等的) 起伏
【物】(聲、光等的) 波盪
see adulation
–verb (used with object)
5. to form small waves or undulations on; agitate lightly.
6. to mark as if with ripples; give a wavy form to.
7. a small wave or undulation, as on water.
8. any similar movement or appearance; a small undulation or wave, as in hair.
9. a small rapid. (急湍城市,高速鐵路)
10. Geology. ripple mark.
11. a sound, as of water flowing in ripples:
a ripple of [laughter].
1. wave, undulate, purl.
5. ruffle, curl, dimple.
7. wavelet, ruffling. See wave.
undulation, whitecap. Wave, ripple, breaker, surf refer to a ridge (山脊) or swell on the surface of water.
Wave is the general word: waves in a [high] wind.
A ripple is the smallest kind of wave, such as is caused by a stone thrown into a pool: ripples in a [brook].
A breaker is a wave breaking, or about to break, upon the shore or upon rocks: the roar of breakers.
Surf is the collective name for breakers: Heavy surf makes bathing dangerous.
1. a toothed or comblike device for removing seeds or capsules (莢膜) from flax (亞麻), hemp (大麻), etc. (梳除亞麻莖上籽,葉等用的) 粗鋼梳
–verb (used with object)
2. to remove the seeds or capsules from (flax or hemp) with a ripple.
With great fanfare, the majors jumped into the indie film game by launching specialty units -- but the entire biz is still feeling the ripple effect.
ripple ***
dimple zit
The [metal] is fretted with the [acid].
The [breeze] fretted the surface of the [water].
beleaguer 風浪單字大集合
choppy (風浪)
billow (風)
plangent (浪)
- Aug 25 Mon 2008 00:26
Ripple ***