
1. (of the sea, a lake, etc.) forming short, irregular, broken waves
2. (of the wind) shifting or changing suddenly or irregularly; variable
3. uneven 
style or quality or characterized by poorly related parts: The book was a choppy first novel. 

Non-English thespers are less successful, made to recite long, explanatory dialogue that's difficult to decipher under the thick accents. Multitude of players gets lost as Greenaway seems uncertain which elements to focus on at what moment, leaving a disjointed sense that's not helped by a choppy feel for time's passing.

blowing or coming in gusts, as wind, rain, or storms
Don't tell me you are not ready. Young man should be prepared with any gusty things.
of the sea or wind, uneven in style or quality, poorly related  
The [book] was a choppy first novel.  
leaving a [disjointed] sense that's not helped by a choppy feel for time's passing.
Then the palm trees changed into those pollarded willows by the canal, just before the level crossing, and all the silly dreams disappeared, and I got out at Ketchworth and gave up my ticket and walked home as usual, quite soberly and without wings without any wings at all.
any surging mass
billows of [smoke]
as by the action of wind
[flags] billowing in the [breeze]  
A sudden [wind] billowed the [tent] alarmingly. 
to roar and be tumultuous, as wind
All empty bluster, these [blowhards] endlessly [rehash] the tired threats that sounded [ominous] the first time we heard them in, say, Full Metal Jacket.
a light, brief shower of snow or gust of wind, fluster
Dominating the screen in a [flurry] of aggressive method acting, Gallo makes no attempt to make his hateful loser of a protagonist the least bit sympathetic

a sudden, violent gust of wind, often accompanied by rain, snow, or sleet
There was an [angry] squall from the bedroom.
then the horrific photo above came crashing atop our Sunday hangover like a [white] squall. 
We're in the middle of a fucking gale.
floating debris made up of the wreckage of ship and its cargo
debris they [jettison] in hopes of saving the ship
They share excitement in flotsam and jetsam and delight in examining assorted sea creatures, and it's sad when the girl's parents take her off to live in Japan.
the body of an old or dismantled ship 
loom in bulky form, appear as a large, massive bulk (often followed by up
as ace lenser Maryse Alberti's camera relentlessly follows around aging wrestler Randy "the Ram" Robinson from the back, dyed-blond hair and hulking [body] before fully revealing his [mottled], [puffy] face.
Writer/director Brad Anderson, known for the charming indie romantic comedy Next Stop, Wonderland, found his inspiration for Session 9 in the hulking [presence] of the abandoned Danvers Mental Hospital in Massachusetts.

We should all go and spend a weekend in Oxford. Straw boaters, punting, cream teas... Boats. ... antiquarian book shops. 平底船
everything does come together as the surviving characters converge at the launch party for the Baron's new [dirigible].
I thought we were gonna take that skiff out for a spin.
Your kayak was a dead ship! I almost went down in it.
The island's holy man takes the girl away in his [schooner].
If you stare at this poster for a few seconds, a hidden picture appears. Wow, it's a schooner! (雙桅以上的) 縱帆船
Then, he asked me out in a sampan with him. 
A chicken just break the hull buts. Such matter certainly happened in your childhood. (果、實等的) 皮,殼,莢,蒂
prow & stern
We are all on a voyage through life, but sometimes we even forget we're on a ship. Not these two. I see them standing side by side, leaning on a rail at the [stern], focusing on the departure of the waves.
I'm an excellent sailor. The mast broke.

race at full speed
from side to side, as though out of control
The wagon careened wildly [down] the hill. 
We know they are careening [toward] disaster. We cannot look away. 
As the kidnapping careens [out] of control, Harry's involvement follows the same trajectory.
The drunk and furious Michael careens his [car] down a country road while blaming his wife for everything. 
The simple murder plot goes [haywire], and Michel's corpse disappears, prompting strange rumors of his reappearance which grow more and more substantial as the film careens wildly [towards] its breathless [conclusion].

Joe hammered a [tack] into the wall to hang a picture.
The sailing ship was [tacking]
A [diplomat] must have [tact]
His [ideas] provided a rudder for the new company.
but this [rudde]rless adaptation never gets a [firm] grip on the author's deadpan tone or episodic narrative style. 
"Lonesome Jim" is a [seriocomedy] starring Casey Affleck as a [rudderless] young man returned to his boring native Indiana burg. 
You're gonna go back to Santa land. Okay. Yeah, why don't you go back to gimbals?【海】平衡環 (使羅盤針保持平衡)

but bewildered Richard is badly [un]moored
but the lack of [moorings] has the predictable effect of leaving the viewer [adrift], 
I want to see the rooms, the private ones. I've seen berths. I've slept in two uppers and one lower with papa. 停泊處,錨位 (火車、船等的) 舖位,坐位
Hurt, playing a cocky but lazy lawyer named Ned Racine, is strolling on a [pier] where an exhausted band is listlessly playing.
You sure you got the job at the marina?
I've always thought that night at the marina was truly Mick's graduation ceremony. I mean, he showed mercy
Smells like a wharf nut here.
The Bergman Foundation is banging the drum, trying to collect enough money to buy the site and turn it into a [haven] for aspiring filmmakers and other artists. 

mildly or sometimes engagingly disreputable or nonconformist, rakish
Bess is to marry Jan, a [raffish] adventurer who works on a North Sea oil rig.
gaudily vulgar or cheap, tawdry
(of a vessel) having an appearance suggesting speed.  
a hat worn at a rakish [angle]. (jaunty)
the goofy but rakishly [charming] Chad Faust. (dissolute)
The Italian Job is a quick, fun celebration of British ingenuity and wit. Its style is fast, [gaudy], and hilarious; its players are clever, [flippant], and [rakish].
Feeling that her own relation with her father will be [disrupted] by Kerr's presence, Seberg does her [malicious] best to break up the relationship--only to be beaten to the [punch] by Niven, who despite his promises of fidelity [to] Kerr cannot give up his [hedonistic] lifestyle. 
The combination of the daughter's [disdain] and the father's [rakishness] drive Kerr to suicide. Niven and Seberg continue pursuing their [lavish] but empty lifestyle, though both realize that their lack of moral fibre has destroyed a life.
Von Slonker met her when he came to Edgartown for the regatta.
[fire] a broadside at the pirates
The [reviewer] leveled a broadside at the novel.
Winston Churchill once said that this film had done more for the war effort than a [flotilla] of destroyers.

He figured anyone who knew|what a spinnaker was had to be a saint. 大三角帆 (順風用)



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