


1. out of keeping or place; inappropriate; unbecoming: an incongruous [effect]; incongruous [behavior]. 
2. not harmonious in character; inconsonant; lacking harmony of parts: an incongruous [mixture] of architectural styles. 
3. inconsistent: actions that were incongruous [with] their professed principles.  

1. discrepant (有差異的), unsuitable, ridiculous, ludicrous, absurd. 2. inharmonious, discordant. 3. contrary, contradictory. See inconsistent.

Inconsistent, incompatible, incongruous refer to things that are out of keeping with each other. 

That which is inconsistent involves variance, discrepancy, or even contradiction, esp. from the point of view of truth, reason, or logic: His actions are inconsistent [with] his [statements]. 

Incompatible implies incapability of close association or harmonious relationship, as from differences of nature, character, temperament, and the like: actions incompatible [with] [honesty] of purpose; qualities that make [two people] incompatible. 

Something that is incongruous is inappropriate or out of keeping, often to the point of being ridiculous or absurd: Incongruous characters or situations frequently provide a basis for [comedy].

1. becoming, appropriate. 2. consonant. 3. consistent.

Hopefully, I’ll have a script review of Quentin Tarantino’s Inglorious Bastards in shortly. After marinating on it for a few days, I don’t feel that it’s the knock out of the park that’s been widely reported. One character vital to the script that suffers from weird incongruities is the main antagonist, Colonel Hans Landa aka "The Jew Hunter." The trades now report that QT will be in talks this week with Leonardo DiCaprio for the role.

see ludicrous


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