1. an Irish accent in the pronunciation of English.
2. any strong regional accent.
—Related forms
broguery, noun
1. a durable, comfortable, low-heeled shoe, often having decorative perforations (穿孔) and a wing tip.
2. a coarse (粗糙的), usually untanned (未鞣的) leather shoe once worn in Ireland and Scotland.
3. brogan. a heavy, sturdy shoe, esp. an ankle-high work shoe.
"I don’t have any idea about game plans for careers or anything other than I love working. All I want to do is make that film and then another one, andanotheroneandanotherone,” he says, now channeling an American accent. Taking a breath and resuming [ri-zoom] his own Scottish brogue, he says, “I want to make films like There Will Be Blood, and I want to work with the Coen brothers—and I want them to be like big f***ing epic great films.”