1. the use of more words than are necessary to express an idea; redundancy.
2. an instance of this, as free gift or true fact.
3. a redundant word or expression.
—Related forms
pleonastic, adjective
sake of that reality byte, I won’t call them models. They "model" so much in this photo shoot that calling them by that name is pleonastic and yet so inexpressive.
utter sounds or words imperfectly, indistinctly, or without meaning.
The movie isn't sure of what it wants to say about society / humanity / medicine / science / politics but it [babbles] on relentlessly about them anyway.
Behind a veil of psychoanalytic [babble] lies a simple tale of murder in Alfred Hitchcock's popular thriller Spellbound.
Veronica Cartwright's [babbling] hippie chick and Jeff Goldblum's [persnickety] poet,
speak in an excited manner, babble
if you don’t get half the burble, it doesn’t matter.
talk or utter rapidly, indistinctly, incoherently
move restively sidewise or backward instead of forward, as an animal in harness, balk 逡巡不前,船頭的三角帆
True, for many the novelty of all that blood-soaked jibber-jabber [wore] thin pretty quickly.
speak or converse rapidly and unintelligibly, jabber
utter words indistinctly or in a low tone
three sit uncomfortably at the kitchen table while Daisy's mother [babbles],
"I haven't heard from her, she hasn't called. I don't know why she hasn't called." Daisy's father anchors the composition, a [muttering] codger in the corner.
pass over lightly or without due mention or consideration (often followed by over)
The report slurred [over] her contribution to the enterprise.
pronounce (a syllable, word, etc.) indistinctly by combining, reducing, or omitting sounds, as in hurried or careless utterance
Sunny was never moaning. Maybe the occasional slur, but... and Maria shook Sunny.
The child's [stutter] was no mere [stammer] of embarrassment.
use of more words than are necessary to express an idea, redundancy
For the sake of that reality byte, I won’t call them models. They "model" so much in this photo shoot that calling them by that name is pleonastic and [yet] so inexpressive.
dwell on persistently or tediously in speaking or writing
He was always harping [on] the importance of taking vitamin supplements.
You IittIe doubIe-crosser! I didn't want this divorce, you did. You've been harping about it aII year! It's a woman's priviIege
to change her mind.
extended to great, unnecessary, or tedious length, long and wordy
As prolix as they may be, [Rohmer's] movies are neither theatrical nor novelistic.
John Cusack makes eccentric kickboxer Lloyd [utterly] charming in his earnest [verbosity] and un[abashed] adoration of Ione Skye's smart, ambitious Diane.
excessively talkative in a rambling, roundabout manner, esp. about trivial matters
Informal. nonsense, as trivial or senseless talk
Darnley himself was something of a piffling [lightweight] -- [talented] only at indolence and drunkenness.
talk in a trivial, feeble, silly, or tedious manner, prate
What kind of a feminist twaddle is that? Who does she think she is, aome goddes?
adds a soupçon of Balkan chic and anti-Nazi iconography to its rich [stew] of twaddle.
meaningless, rapid talk, mere chatter, gabble
speak in [cryptic] jive patter ("Bulls would only gum it"; i.e., "Cops are dumb").
soft food for infants or invalids, as bread soaked in water or milk.
an idea, talk, book, or the like, lacking substance or real value.
teat, nipple
Say Anything is also that rare film (teen or otherwise) that honestly celebrates female strength and male sensitivity without resorting to [offensive] pap, confirming Crowe's arrival as one of the potentially more [astute] filmmakers in Hollywood.
a long discourse or essay, esp. a diatribe
an informal letter, account, or other piece of writing
A humanist screed [wrapped] in a formalist adventure, Michael Haneke's Code Unknown represents a great leap [forward] for Austria's best-known contemporary filmmaker.【建】砂漿層
The fuses blow. They're replaced. We get a screed from our host.
objectionably aggressive in offering one's unrequested and unwanted services, help, or advice, meddlesome
Officious and sarcastic at the same time, she is followed around by blank-eyed girls who say things like,
a [person] who talks too much, esp. indiscreetly
a spectator at a card game who looks at the players' cards over their shoulders, esp. one who gives unsolicited advice
a giver of uninvited or unwanted advice
a person who jokes, chitchats, or makes wisecracks, esp. while others are trying to work or to discuss something seriously
Paul Benjamin, Frankie Faison and Robin Harris as the [funny] trio of kibitzers on the block,
he manages to [engage] this goody-goody in sex made all the more incestuous by the [presence] of their parents [kibitzing] around the dinner table a few yards away.
Look, this is my pad now, remember? If you want to keep kibitzing here, just belt up on the snide remarks, or you'll find yourself horizontal.
skilled in relating stories and anecdotes interestingly
the [charming ]raconteur for Eve, the [aloof] aesthete for everyone else,
Lynch is turning into quite the raconteur in his old age. This obviously isn’t the first time he’s told this story, and it comes across [well]-timed here.
Vincent Gallo: Amazing Raconteur, Honest Jerk, Total Scumbag? Or All in One?