
Ingenious, Ingenuity
Ingenuous, Ingenuousness  
genuine, genuineness


ingenious, ingenuous (adjs.), ingenuity, ingenuousness (nn.)

These words are rarely confused, except perhaps by the inexperienced, and even then the problem may be primarily poor spelling or proofreading. 

Ingenious (pronounced in-JEEN-yuhs) means "inventive, clever, imaginative, talented," as in She's invented an ingenious little device; He is an ingenious man with several patents to his credit. 

Ingenuity is "the demonstration of inventiveness,"

Ingenuous (pronounced in-JEN-yoo-uhs) means "frank, open, innocent, youthful, unsophisticated," as in His ingenuous remarks won everyone's sympathy. 

while ingenuousness is "the display of the innocence and candor of youth."


genuine (adj.)   
is pronounced JEN-yoo-in; JEN-yoo-WEIN is either jocular (愛開玩笑) or dialectal. It is sometimes used in a quaintly naive way for stress: This is genuine [that is, real] leather, or These are genuine [not fake] rubies.

By that point, however, whatever ingenuity the film might have offered has long since dissipated, and the sequences that put Jackman and McGregor together become fewer and further between. Nor does their potential battle of wits develop enough to yield many fireworks, beyond whatever natural charisma the two possess.

Then again, even McGregor spends most of his time looking understandably baffled and boyish, without undergoing the sort of rising-to-the-challenge arc that would make his Everyman character genuinely interesting opposite Jackman's menacing rogue.



n. (名詞 noun)【法】

          1.    純真的少女
          2.    劇中純真少女的角色;飾演純真少女的女演員

The Columbia Guide to Standard American English

ingenue, ingénue (n.)

Spelled either with or without the acute accent, this French borrowing means“a naive or innocent young woman or girl, particularly one playing such a role in a drama.”

Pronounce it either AN-juh-noo, AN-zhuh-noo, or AHN-zhuh-noo


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