


1. boldly forward in speech or behavior; impertinent; saucy
2. jaunty and stylish; chic; natty
3. lively; sprightly; in good health. 
4. Obsolete. clever.  

1. presumptuous, impudent.


28. pert / sassy / vivacious 

There are certain words in English that we tend to think of as sex-specific, even though they are not defined that way in dictionaries. In a recent survey we polled the Usage Panel on a number of these words. 

Two-thirds of the panel feels that vivacious can only be used of a female subject, as in the example _____ can be so vivacious at times, 

while more than 70 percent of the panelists believe only men or boys can be debonair

Similarly, a majority of panelists feel that saucy, sassy, pert, and demure can apply only to women or girls.

Surprisingly, 43 percent of the Usage Panel believes that wanton can apply to either women or men, and 64 percent believe the same of prim

If you use the words urbane, suave, or lecherous, however, a majority of panel members believe you should refer to a man.  

Other interesting controversies include the adjective suave and the noun fellow. Sixty percent of the panel thought these words should be limited to men, leaving 40 percent who would in theory at least allow a woman to be described as a suave fellow

Keri Russell, with her frizzed (髮捲) locks (一綹頭髮) and clear angelic eyes, has a look of such pert [vivacity] that when you first see her in Waitress, it's hard to imagine that she's anything but happy.

shingle shindig 
sassy perky 

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