

–verb (used without object)
1. to refer casually or indirectly; make an allusion (usually fol. by to): He often alluded [to] his poverty
2. to contain a casual or indirect reference (usually fol. by to): The letter alludes [to] something now forgotten.  

hint, intimate, suggest.


allude, elude, mention, refer (vv.)   
Allude and elude look different enough, but in speech they are very close to being homophones, varying only in their unstressed first syllables: allude (uh-LOOD) and elude (ee-LOOD or i-LOOD); 

allude means "to refer to indirectly," 
elude means "to evade or escape from." 

1. Allude is a synonym for mention and refer, but it is more indirect than they: 
The judge [alluded to] the prisoner’s alleged accomplices (共謀者,conspirator), but with [out mention]ing their names. 

2. Refer is very explicit
had he referred to them, the judge might well have read off their names. 

3. Mention is less explicit and perhaps less rhetorically (修辭學上) stressed: 
had the judge mentioned them, he might have tossed off their names hurriedly, in an aside or a parenthetical (作為附加說明的) remark. 

All four words are Standard. 

Conclusion: Refer > Mention > Allude

across_the_universe.jpg When Jude takes inspiration from the bowl of strawberries, he creates a Jackson Pollock-styled "splatter" painting. This seemingly alludes to Stuart Sutcliffe, once a bassist with The Beatles, who was a painter in the Jackson Pollock style.

see oblique 

abstain from [smoking] [voting]
avert my [eyes] [gaze] [glance]

refer (
advert to) > mention > allude


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