n. (名詞 noun)
1. 幽靈,亡靈,幻影;特異景象[C]
She claimed to have seen the apparition of her dead husband.
2. (特異景象等的)出現[U]
1. a supernatural appearance of a person or thing, esp. a ghost; a specter or phantom; wraith:
a ghostly apparition at midnight.
2. anything that appears, esp. something remarkable or startling:
the surprising apparition of cowboys in New York City.
3. an act of appearing; manifestation.
4. Astronomy. the appearance or time when a comet, esp. a periodic one, is visible:
the 1986 apparition of Halley's comet.
He has also been haunted by the memory of his girlfriend Sarah (Jennifer Connelly), who recently died in a car bombing — and haunted not just figuratively but literally: he's seeing apparitions of Sarah everywhere, and he's starting to wonder if she's really there or if he's going mad.
see spectral wraith