a. (形容詞 adjective)
1. 拉緊的,繃緊的
Pull the string taut.
2. 緊張的,不自然的
a taut expression on his face
3. 整潔的,秩序井然的
1. tightly drawn; tense; not slack.
2. emotionally or mentally strained or tense: taut nerves.
3. in good order or condition; tidy; neat.
The Columbia Guide to Standard American English
taught (past tense, past participle), taut (adj.)
These homophones have nothing but their sounds in common. Taught is past tense and past participle of the verb teach, and taut is an adjective meaning "stretched tightly," "under strain," and "efficient":
The rope was taut, and so was the ship’s discipline.
Dead Calm isn't above pulling the rug out from under its audience, and it succumbs to the lame passage of dialogue here and there, but it's at least precise, economical, and taut -- certainly more so than the routine Hollywood product Noyce would churn (攪乳器) out for the next decade or so.
see taunt