[Origin: 1400–50; late ME peripatéticus peripatétikós of Aristotle and his school, lit., walking about, equiv. to peripaté- (verbid s. of peripateǐn to walk about, equiv. to peri- peri- + pateǐn to walk; akin to path) + -tikos -tic]
a. (形容詞 adjective)
1. 徘徊的;漫遊的;流動的
n. (名詞 noun)
1. 走來走去的人;行商
2. (P-)逍遙學派的第子
Thanks to his father's job, Fraser and his family led a fairly peripatetic existence, living in locales as varied as Ottawa, London, Rome, and Seattle. During his time in London, Fraser became interested in theater and eventually enrolled in Seattle's Cornish Institute for training.
see paraphernalia