a. (形容詞 adjective)
1. 敷衍的,馬虎的;得過且過的
There was a perfunctory search of his bags at the airport.
The Columbia Guide to Standard American English
peremptory, perfunctory (adjs.)
Peremptory (pronounced puhr-EMPT-tuh-ree) means "something that can’t or won’t be denied" and hence "something dogmatic and dictatorial," as in
She was a tyrant, peremptory in ordering us about.
A peremptory challenge in the courts brings about the automatic dismissal of a possible juror.
Perfunctory (pronounced puhr-FUHNK-tuhr-ee) means "trivial, something done without attention, routinely, carelessly," as in His performance was perfunctory and lackluster.
The cheekily grotesque whimsy of these characters, with their removable body parts and PG-rated gore, felt fresh in those films, but here it just seems perfunctory and warmed over.
see laconic curt imperious haphazard