a. (形容詞 adjective)
1. 滿足的;自滿的
The Columbia Guide to Standard American English
complacent, complaisant, compliant (adjs.)
These three afford several chances for confusion.
Complacent is the adjective that belongs with the nouns complacence and complacency.
Complaisant means "obliging, willing to please."
Compliant means "willing to obey, submissive."
Also similar are the pronunciations of complacent (kuhm-PLAIS-ent or kuhm-PLAIZ-ent) and complaisant (kuhm-PLAIZ-ent, kuhm-PLAIS-ent, or KAHM-pluh-zent). The quite differently pronounced compliant is stressed on the second syllable: kuhm-PLEI-ent.
The movie is like a cold shower of bracing, clarifying ideas. We feel cleansed of boredom, indifference, futility and the deadening tyranny of the mundane. The characters walk around passionately discussing ideas, theories, ultimate purposes--just as we've started doing again since the complacent routine of our society was shaken.
see insolent