

vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

          1.    (因過量吃甜食等而) 倒(胃口),使膩煩[(+with)]

vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)

          1.    倒胃口;使人感到膩煩
                      Chocolates start to cloy if you eat too many.

Nolan's a first-timer, and his movie is half hand-held kitchen-sink realism (shot in moody black and white) and half curlicue plotline that, as subsequent layers of betrayal are exposed and its jigsawed time line begins to form a whole picture, cloy[s] with archness. 


who watches "Dark Shadows" and eats [kibble]
It's all just [fodder] for the media machine and the bloodthirsty public
That was all the more true of Bettie, given her job as masturbation [fodder],
since that [crops] up as [conversational] fodder some weeks later when now-coupled Adam and Evelyn are spending an evening with his [brash] former roommate Philip, 
whose life provided endless fodder for the [gossip] columnists because of his tumultuous love affairs,
A film that picks the viewer [up] and changes him forever. The first “art film” I saw, in a college screening, and I haven’t seen it since, perhaps not wanting to tamper [with] that memory. Memorable also for providing more [parody] fodder than any other film.
And so the so-called Berlin years will be fodder for a new biopic called Lust For Life, named after Iggy Pop’s 1977 solo record recorded at Hansa Studio in Berlin, which was co-written and produced by Bowie.
My friends make fun of my name twisting it to "Clover". Well I hope I'm still "blooming"... (she laughs) 紅花草,苜蓿
If I see that silage hanging about up here. 青貯飼料
I wallow in her warmth like a pig in a trough. She makes you want to touch her. 飼料槽,飲水槽

bicker, any wooden dish or bowl, esp. a wooden porridge bowl. 麥片粥
I had seconds of porridge and toast for breakfast and now I feel a bit queer.
The [snow] turned to mush in the rain.
which has the effect of turning Eisner's Technicolor comic into a gray glob of [hardboiled] mush. 

tapioca pudding 
Charlie finds a [methodical], mechanical, [flat]-voiced middle-age man who "definitely" knows things, such as that tapioca pudding is "definitely" on the menu, and that his favorite TV program is "definitely" about to come [on] the air. 樹薯粉,木薯澱粉
What have you got for the men's tea? Fried eggs, baked beans, chips,toast, tapioca.
Stuff their horse meat. And lousy taters.【植】馬鈴薯
He is so full of starch he can't [relax].
but the material remains [cloaked] by the very propriety, stiff manners and emotional [starchiness] the picture delineates in such copious detail.   
Van Sant wants to tell the political story accurately and in detail, but "Milk" is anything but [starchy].
by clerking at an open-all-nite superstore staffed by frolicsome [hooligans], a [starched]-prick boss,
a period invariably encrusted by [starch] and [must] in history books.
In both films, white Australian culture, with its [fixation] on rolled lawns, [starched] whites, and cricket,
After the bold, [parched] vistas of the Arizona opening, pic is [enshrouded] in a dismal Buffalo winter,
The governor, played by Michael Redgrave, is a [tweedy] traditionalist impressed by the opportunity to play games with a [starchier] class.
I'll help you tomorrow in your paddy. 米,稻田
with a slow zoom into the fresh-[charred] heart of a greasy, gristle-flecked [beef] patty.【美】肉餅 
Corn rigs and barley rigs. 大麥
Thirteen million Londoners have to wake up to this. The murder and all-bran and rape? 糠,麥麩,穀皮
That's, uh, the muesli from Canada.【主英】碾碎的穀物、堅果、乾果等混合而成的瑞士風味的早餐食品
I would like the Mix-a-Bunch with double maple granola. (早餐營養食品) 格蘭諾拉燕麥捲
Did you hear what Colin Gray looked like when they found him? Lasagna with teeth? You heard. (義大利式) 滷汁麵條
A woman can feel like a failure if she doesn't bring in 50 grand a year... and still make time for blow jobs and homemade lasagna.
What's this? Chef's vermicelli special.【義】義大利細麵條
I'm a paella expert. That's logical. Not quite. Keep in mind. (用平底鍋烹調的) 西班牙菜飯

Would you mind leaving me the cruller? It's the only doughnut I got. 油炸小煎餅
Well, as a vegetarian... as a spinach-and-mushroom calzone can be. 半圓形烤乳酪餡餅
You remember the time you got it in the enchiladas? (美國西南部的) 辣椒肉餡玉米捲餅
After all, a lie can be shot with integrity just like anything else. Who's the crumpet? 一種煎餅
Don't [hog] all those scones, Tibby.【英】烤餅,司康
But the most [cringe]-inducing aspects of these [book]-ending scenes are the broad flyboy characters and their [stilted] dialogue cobbled [together] from every clichéd idea about the Vietnam War. 大卵石,圓石
I'm going to bring cobbler to her and all of girls.【美】脆皮面水果派
It was in here one night, back when Jimmy Herrera run the place. Started over a basket of tortillas. This beaner fare doesn't agree with me but the price sure is right. (墨西哥) 玉米粉薄烙餅
Hey. You made it. Tortilla salad, pierogies, egg rolls. We made too much food.
variously appearing as an image on the side of a building, a painting at the Musée d'Orsay, a character in Song's movie, and itself, suddenly visible through a skylight, "watching" Song learning how to [make] crepes. 縐織物,油煎薄餅
Well, I don't see any change in this company report done on your husband last year. I see too many scargots and too many crepes with [vanilla] icecream and strawberries.
Why the hell we eating burritos? Get your own water. 墨西哥料理的一種 (以肉、乳酪、豆泥做餡的麵餅捲)【俚】陰莖
We'll drink to Thatcher and your beautiful launderette. Do they go together? Like dal and chapattis. 薄餅
Last thing I looked up online was how to make a quiche, and I fucked it up, big time.【法】(加有切碎之火腿、海鮮或蔬菜等的) 乳蛋餅



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