a. (形容詞 adjective)
1. 冥河的,地獄的
2. 陰沈的
3. 不可侵犯的
The manholes still belch Stygian steam and the protagonist still exists on the edge of sanity, but this time Nicolas Cage's ambulance driver makes a rocky ascent toward a tentative salvation rather than repeating Taxi Driver's (1976) descent into an ultra-violent inferno.
damnation, hell (used as a euphemism)
When in tarnation is this boy gonna get out of his own way?
the project fell into [limbo] and later found [light] as an HBO television series helmed by Mark Steven Johnson.
and that freed him to get on with things, to end his [limbo] in San Clemente, Calif.
When Justin at last finds an escape hatch from tree-lined [limbo], the optimistic viewer might [read] it as an allegory of the American Filmmaker's dearest wish.
With characters' pasts and sometimes [questionable] motivations slowly revealed as the viewer is taken deeper into the [troubled] minds of those who dwell in the isolated kingdom in limbo, Del Toro has crafted a finely [tuned] and quietly intense fable of the influence of ghosts on the fate of man.
Meanwhile, an Indian girl is lured down the road to [perdition] by a sensuous general (Sabu).
Abaddon: The place of the lost in Sheol.
an insane asylum or madhouse
Christine is [brow]beaten by the police, bulli[ed] by the press, and finally committed to a local bedlam seemingly filled with people whose mental illness consisted [in] pissing off the cops.
He got his comeuppance when the bully [thrashed] him.
What it is, while David Goyer and myself were putting together the story for another Batman film a few years ago, you know thrashing [out] where we might move on from the Dark Knight, we got stuck.
He's beginning to thrash around now. He's in a panic.
The film finishes by exploring hetero motifs: Encolpio discovers that he is impotent while [flailing] around on the alter of the whore-priestess,
and then recovers his [virility] while pleasuring Oneothea, a corpulent [sorceress] sex therapist.
He is a tall, gentle man with a warm smile, and lets her [flail] away before embracing her in his big arms.
drum'n'bass-backed suspense surrounding possible escapes and the requisite bathroom showdown are balanced by the fresh [kinesis] of a group Soulfly [flail] and a great summary [snap] from Chad to Lyle,
The procession of [flagellants] chant the Dies Irae, a famous thirteenth century Latin [hymn] thought to be written by Thomas of Celano.
A group of flagellants [files] past, some carrying heavy crosses, others whipping themselves, doing [penance].
a flagellant [attack] on the opposition party.
The [hangman] holds our society together. He is the symbol of the great chastiser. He built this world on punishment and fear.
to inflict suffering upon for moral improvement
to make chaste in style
[Age] has chastened his violent temper.
we don’t feel nearly as [chastened] or [ashamed] as Haneke would like.
Dawn is a proud virgin and the most active member of her local [chastity] group.
[Disease] and [famine] are scourges of humanity.
You could call them cardboard characters, pierced and flattened for the delight of the crowd, but Aronofsky cast the minor roles with real wrestlers, and you believe in every scourging of the [flesh].
He remains as committed as ever to his twin duties of [scourge] and [hedonist],
But are we sure we don't deserve this scourge? Are we sure we've lived in the way of God?
Scarlotti used a necro-[lash] which could be electrically charged by his gauntlets
This is a birch branch, it symbolize eternal life.【植】樺,白樺
Terence Stamp is [fun] as her very-[cockney] sidekick, but Dirk Bogarde is the one who really makes an impact, playing an outrageously [swishy] villain who provides all the best moments in the film. He can't make Blaise a good film, but he and the visuals are far and away the high points.
She took off her shoes and went barefooted. When she played pinball, she'd swish around to give the machine English.
Noé's technical [gymnastics] keep it [un]deniably compelling: Shot in fluid, color-saturated, whirling-[dervish] long takes, edited in reverse, and given a [throbbing], hypnotic sound design from Daft Punk's Thomas Bangalter, Irreversible's [deft] moves don't allow the viewer a second to ponder some of the script's more implausible, trumped-[up] conceits. (回教的) 托缽僧,苦行僧
l'm gonna impale the son of a bitch with a sharp stick through the heart.
Mean Girls loses a certain amount of punch in its ham-fisted later half, which involves an [excruciatingly] out-of-place trust fall and a clichéd speech (at the Spring Fling, no less) in front of the entire student body.
atone for, make amends or reparation for
Robert Rossen was dying when he made this film and many regard it as an act of expiation for his behavior during the McCarthy witch hunts in the 50s when he was a leading friendly witness.
Four years later, with the other Earth now [hovering] on the horizon like a [bloated] harvest moon, the judicial system is done punishing Rhoda, but she has just begun her own penance.
the state of being penitent, contrition, repentance
Blur's penitence for Brit-pop continues with the [aptly] named 13, which deals with star-crossed situations like personal and professional breakups with Damon Albarn's longtime girlfriend, Justine Frischmann of Elastica, and the group's longtime producer, Stephen Street.
the imposition of penance by a priest on [a] penitent after confession
a more valid complaint is that he does give short [shrift] to many of film's female characters.
Now the alternative. We can go together and make private calls on all the places you've robbed. You'll express deep sorrow and [repentance], sincere and vocal [contrition].
sinning, guilty of a moral offense
Here we are going through the obligatory middle-of-act-two... "scorned wife throws peccant husband out" scene.
serving for, concerned with, or inflicting punishment
What followed, however, "Margot at the Wedding" (2007), was a dead end. The quarrelling sisters and their [hapless] men were so [inept] that they couldn’t run across a lawn without some calamity befalling them. Baumbach seemed to be [revelling] in futility; the film was [grating], almost punitive.
to omit (a vowel, consonant, or syllable) in pronunciation
Law. to annul or quash.
Postscript noting the fates of certain characters conveniently [elides] the sad and/or ironic destinies awaitin[g s]ome of them.
You realize, with this case, I'm looking for evidence to exonerate you. But, at the same time, I'm also wondering... what really happened.
to represent a fault as less serious
to extenuate a [crime].
Do not extenuate the [difficulties] we are in.
I know, but I got my editor in town, I gotta finish my book... and there's some extenuating circumstances...
His remittance [reached] us on Thursday.
the act of remitting
pardon as of sins or offenses
The patient's [leukemia] was [in] remission.
Life was a disease, and smoking held it temporarily in [remission].
He has cancer, but a doctor has deliberately and falsely declared it in remission.
I would be remiss in my duty if I did not tell you that the idea of intercourse the fact of your firm young body commingling with the withered flesh sagging... breasts... and... flabby.. bu... buttocks.. makes me want to vomit.
to free from guilt or blame or their consequences
Following their confessions, the priest absolved the sinners of their [sins].
The bank officers absolved him from [having] to make further [restitution].
Only the test of combat can absolve all the screwing around and self-pity [of] its inherent infantilism.
With a new president, people talk of amnesty. But that's wrong.
exemption from punishment
immunity from detrimental effects, as of an action
Basically, you have absolute impunity to do whatever you want
Living each day twice, Abe and Aaron exploit their [prescience] for stock market gains, but the prospect of absolute [impunity] soon brings to mind more [grandiose] abuses.
disregard or overlook (something illegal, objectionable, or the like)
There's no justification for senseless brutality. And you were not raised to stand by and condone it.
Call it the feminist flip side to Zéro de Conduite, where revolt is not a condoned option.
a petty sin or trifling fault
Co-directed with Roman Coppola and heavily influenced by his peccadillo for 60s retro-futurism,