

n. (名詞 noun)

          1.    笨拙的人

vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

          1.    【廢】輕視,嘲弄


Now listen carefully, you hairy-faced git!
a hired hoodlum or thug
Though he tries to keep a low profile at prison, he soon attracts unsavory attention of various sex-[starved] goons. 
a stupid person, roughneck
Ms. Skye, fails miserably at drowning her sorrows with the town's loutish teen-age boys.
Biegler accepts the case of one Lt. Manion, an [unlovable] lout who has murdered a local bar owner.
It's a deadly nightshade, you oaf.
Thelma's husband, Darryl, is an overbearing oaf, and Louise's boyfriend, Jimmy, simply will not commit.
An awkward, loutish person
To stare or gape stupidly
Thompson not only makes an appealingly [gawky] protag but, crucially, nails the trademark stutter that, no less than the movie itself, is one-of-a-kind. 
whose clothes are wrong, and who is as [gawky] and [geeky] as it is humanly possible tobe. 
Noé [purportedly] [relished] the severe reactions provoked by screenings of Irreversible -- walk-outs, cat calls, and the like -- which would only make sense for a person whose ultimate goal is to create the cinematic equivalent of [car]-wreck gawking. 
Green does try to [leaven] the proceedings with a love story between two gawky teenagers (Michael Angarano and Olivia Thirlby), but it's not a clear thematic complement to the main story, and is lacking what the rest of the film has in spades: conflict.
If you don't stop gawking [at] me and get the hell out of here, I'll kick your ass.
What are you gawking [at]? Well, I ain't gawking.
Fernando Ray makes the uncle a poignant [dolt] and Francisco Rabal is aggressive and realistic as the illegitimate son.
You legacy? Yeah, father, grandfather, all the way back to great, great grandfather. Yeah, for any ignoramuses who don't know, his grandfather Prescott is our esteemed senator from Connecticut.
in an unconscious, complacent manner
Making the family fatuously Jewish allows Solondz to [mock] their sense of victimhood
Ritter very amusingly conveys Dad's [professorial] fatuousness,
most cunningly in the scene where she meets with the [fatuous] young editors who are interested in acquiring "her" novel.
Are you all set to deploy the fatuous sarcasm?
I look like a spaz with them tucked in.
A cockney berk by the sound of it! You Liverpool ponce.
She's the only daughter of a country booby squire.
So we'll all go, like I said. I'm not going. Now we look like bozos.
Skip it, Bruno. It's painfuI for a man to discover he's been a chump.【口】木頭人,傻瓜

an insignificant or despicable fellow
Since we like Gerald, the guy who answered the personal ad, and think [Etienne] is a twerp
and Christensen plays Glass as a manipulative [twerp]—there's no excitement to his subterfuge,
All in all, this twerpy [little] movie is one of the most entertaining pictures to be released so far this year.
You would, you grungy little twerp.
The word indie is so [self]-consciously quirky, twerpy, and wimpy.
a pitifully ineffectual, luckless, and timid person.
not the least because it involves a [nebbishy] documentary filmmaker with a passing resemblance to Solondz.
Stacy takes a liking to [nebbish] Mark Ratner, but he is too afraid to make a move even after Stacy all but throws herself at him.
Adam is a [chubby], bespectacled [nebbish] of a college student who makes money in his spare time as a security guard at the university's art museum. 
Soon, monstrous beetles are whispering conspiracy theories in Bill's ears and his nebbish writer friends Hank and Martin are sleeping with Joan under his nose.
nerd, wimp.
A disheveled dweeb with [horn]-rimmed glasses, Toby (Paul Giamatti) is first seen cold-calling a girl he jilted in high school 20 years before because he's heard she has become a producer.
noxiously vain Joey (Andrew Keegan) and [dweeb]ish nice guy Cameron (Joseph-Gordon Levitt) each [plot] to fix up the stand[off]ish sis with whoever's willing.

not quick or alert in perception, feeling, or intellec, not sensitive or observant, dull 資質駑鈍是也
While the film's outcome is obvious to all but the most [obtuse] viewer an hour into the work, the conclusion takes a while to wind its way to the end. 
I don't have any new information [about "The Master"]. I really mean that, I'm not being obtuse. 
Where their contemporaries were often direct and to the point, Tindersticks were obtuse and leisurely, crafting dense, difficult songs layered with literary lyrics, intertwining melodies, mumbling vocals, and gently melancholy [orchestrations].
Some critics found the film obtuse on its release, but the Academy thought enough of it to nominate Duras for Best Original Screenplay.
overtaken by darkness or night
intellectually or morally ignorant, unenlightened 
benighted ages of [barbarism] and [superstition].
Bonjour Tristesse was codirected by Otto Preminger, who'd previously discovered Jean Seberg for his [benighted] 1957 [filmization] of Saint Joan. 
"by bland, paranoid chess players... servers of fragmentary warrants taken down... in hebephrenic shorthand... charging unspeakable mutilations of the spirit... officials of unconstituted
police states, broke"【醫】青春期癡呆,破瓜期癡呆 (精神分裂症的一種)

Slang .
mad or foolish
I hear you've gone dippy over some dame down at the New Congress Club. What'd you say her name was? Lorene.


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