

a. (形容詞 adjective)[Z][(+of/with)]

          1.    非常浪費的,揮霍的
          2.    不吝惜的;十分慷慨的[F]
          3.    (物產等)豐富的,大量的[F]
                      He has a mind prodigal of ideas.

n. (名詞 noun)

          1.    揮霍者;浪蕩子[C]

The Columbia Guide to Standard American English

prodigal (adj., n.) 
To [be] prodigal is to be wasteful, and [a] prodigal is a spendthrift (揮霍無度的人,放蕩者), not a wanderer, a runaway, or someone long lost to his family. 

The prodigal [son] (Luke 15) was so called not because he left home but because he was a wastrel (揮霍者,浪子); however, in figurative uses the full parable is usually the referent.【語】指示對象

The adjective combines most frequently with the prepositions of or with (

She has always [been] prodigal [of] [with]] her money
) and occasionally with in or as to (

The audience [was] prodigal [in] [as to] its applause

But as to is a poor choice. 

see progeny squander


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