

vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)

          1.    嬉戲;調情[(+with)]
          2.    輕率的(或並非認真地)對待[(+with)]
                      How can you dally with such a serious problem?
          3.    【舊】遊蕩;閒混;延誤[(+over)]
                      The pupil always dallies over difficult math problems.

vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

          1.    浪費(時間)[(+away)]

Cate Blanchett: Queen of the screen (2)

Again, Hollywood producers must fret that such a demanding job is career suicide. "The acceptance of the role as artistic directors of the company is not a dalliance," Blanchett insisted. She's on a three-year contract that allows her to take three months out each year to pursue other endeavours. There is little chance that she will ever again be as prolific on screen as she has been; in 2006 alone, she made Babel, The Good German and Notes on a Scandal.


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