
n. (名詞 noun)

          1.    固執,堅持,頑強,不屈不撓
          2.    堅韌,韌性
          3.    (記憶等的) 保持力


humble oneself or act in an abject manner, as in great fear or utter servility
We got a lot of groveling to do with these people.
God. I grovelled in front of that lady for something I completely deserve.
What, you're jealous? No, I'm angry, Johnny. I don't like to see one of our blokes groveling to Pakis. They came over here to work for us.
surrender unconditionally or on stipulated terms.
He finally capitulated and [agreed] to do the job my way. 
his studio had capitulated [to] Fox "for the benefit of the industry."
David's insistent father demands he join the family business, and soon his dad's threats to cut David off financially -- as well as his not-so-subtle hints that Katie will leave him unless he starts making [serious] money -- force David to capitulate.
complacence, complacency
Lucy complacently settles [for] the tiresomely traditional courtship of [nerdish] Cecil Vyse -- and then Mr. Emerson moves into the neighborhood.
obliging, willing to please
willing to obey, submissive
Needy is the unassuming, bespectacled, and usually subservient BFF of Jennifer, by far the hottest girl in their tiny high school. 

characterized by or requiring a sitting posture
Our century, friends, is a lazy one. most people have but one sedentary [occupation].
The [horse] threw [himself] into a squat.
He squatted in an [empty] house.
Lydon, Vicious, and several other friends began squatting in [vacant] buildings, and the former two occasionally [busked] in subway stations.
When he was riding by they were squatting in a hut cooking hamsters for dinner. You've got to be interested in somebody. All you do is work.
That was me, the lonely, hunkered down type, waiting for the night to blow over.
bend the knee or touch one knee to the floor in reverence or worship
In a "confession" published on the movie's Web site, Korine [kids] "Dogma 95" at the same time he genuflects [to] it.
cast (oneself) face down on the ground in humility, submission, or adoration 
lay flat, as on the ground
He prostrated [himself] before rank and wealth.

bend the head and shoulders, or the body generally, forward and downward from an erect position
to stoop [over] a desk. 
to stoop from [age]. 
Don't stoop to argue with [him].
I thought these soft-boiled [egghead] critics only stooped to [sneer] at audiences who like The Dark Knight. 
Why don't you remind them? They'll feel some massive guilt. It could be highly profitable. I wouldn't stoop to remind them.

assent tacitly, submit or comply silently or without protest, agree, consent
disposed to acquiesce or consent tacitly
but if my taste has changed, I still wish independent cinema wasn't so acquiescent [in] its marginalization.

think fit or in accordance with one's dignity, condescend
Compared with these two, every man is a fool. The world is most honored that they should deign to rule, and I worship the power of these lovely two with that adoring love known to so few.
He would not condescend to [misrepresent] the facts. 
He condescended to [their] intellectual level in order to be [understood].  
He is descended [from] Confucius.
Their specialty is buying items from the progeny of the recently deceased, taking advantage of the children's ignorance about the value of the items, and then [flipping] them in their boutique.
a progeny of sexless, dwarflike mutants who are born for the [sole] purpose of acting out her violent fantasies of revenge.
This is for the wedding video. For posterity.
fecund [parents] [farmland]
At least as far as the movies go, the fecund late '60s are a gift that keeps on giving.

And what if you have kids? It can be hereditary.
either of persons or (more especially) of animals, in the case of animals, such a table is used as proof of superior qualities
That being said, a man who finds Michael Bay more skillful than Christopher Nolan is not someone whose views I want to [align] myself [with], no matter how pedigre[ed], trained, or well-[versed] in the art he may be.
usually from the first known ancestor
She felt that her family had conspired to cheat me of my birthright, and I passed from infancy to childhood in an atmosphere of family history and genealogies. The dukedom had been bestowed by Charles II on Colonel Henry D'Ascoyne for services rendered to His Majesty during his exile.
"It’s very atavistic… is that the right word?【生】隔代遺傳,返祖現象

natural liking for or attraction to a person, thing, idea, etc 
(distinguished from [consanguinity]) relationship by marriage or by ties other than those of blood 
Elena, who has some affinity with her, even though Elena often [degrades] her, blames her for her own faults, and is forced to drag her around when she's hunting for men.
Blahhh. Indie expresses an affinity [for] a particular music style, not necessarily an aesthetic.
(distinguished from [affinity]) relationship by descent from a common ancestor, kinship 
kith & kin 
Making the acquaintance of a mysterious woman (Maria Schneider), he finds a [kindred spirit] — a woman as "lost" as he.
When Greenberg meets his brother's pretty assistant, Florence (Greta Gerwig), a [kindred spirit] who longs to become a singer, he vows not to become too attached.
t once sillier and more desperate in its convictions than such [kindred] trips to the mystic East as Bertolucci's Little Buddha or Scorsese's Kundun.

strong inclination, taste, or liking for something
[a] penchant for [outdoor] sports.
Clay's old flame Blair (Jamie Gertz) is now more interested in her new [beau] Julian (Robert Downey, Jr.), the fun-loving party boy with a penchant [for] drugs.
Like Mr. Lee, Mr. Green is especially able to construct scenes with men struggling to be in command of a conversation. There are several among railroad workers, including the oddball Rico (well played by Paul Schneider, who doesn't [overemphasize] the goofiness), that are a loving tribute to the Southern penchant for wasting time. 
What would you call a man with an insatiable penchant for women? A what? A penchant, a desire, taste, passion. Well, a ladies man, I guess.
Its story is straight-up sci-fi – a secret agent must [infiltrate] an all-poweful computer – but Jean-Luc Godard’s penchant [for] irreverence is right there on the surface.
tendency to think favorably of something in particular, partiality, preference 
[a] predilection for [Bach].
It's easy to imagine how the Coens, whose Achilles' heel has always been their predilection [for] smug irony and easy caricature, might have turned McCarthy's [taciturn] Texans into simplistic western-mythos archetypes.

natural inclination or tendency
[a] propensity to [drink] too much.
Action is an entirely new genre for Wright, but it’s one I think he’ll take to quite nicely given his propensity for [luscious] visuals.
Are you telling me I think of this in terms of personal pique? Today that boy wiped his feet on the choice, on the predilections of 60 million people in the greatest country in the world.
natural or habitual inclination or tendency, propensity, predisposition 
[a] proclivity [to] meticulousness.
The film pays particularly strong attention to the artist's proclivity [for] scandalizing the European upper-crust with [overtly] erotic subject matter and presentation.
Now, you see, Sophie just turned that to the wall. She's got this kind of irritating proclivity for negation. Suppose she thinks it's progressive or something.

characteristic, habit, mannerism, or the like, that is peculiar to an individual 
You think I haven't noticed your little idiosyncrasies? Your spells?
Force of July: An [idio]syncratic polymath turns delicate whimsy into a heartfelt story of us.
natural talent, aptitude, or ability, bent, knack 
[a] flair for [writing] rhymes.
when a fleet, syncopated rhythm would have moved the exposition along with more [flair].




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