n. (名詞 noun)
1. 屁股著地的摔倒
2. 可恥的失敗
In the Zone, nothing is what it seems. Objects change places, the landscape shifts and rearranges itself. It seems as if an unknown intelligence is [actively] thwarting any attempt to penetrate its borders.
Tommy Wiseau's failed attempt [at ]a provocative, seductive drama-thriller. The film, which is as hilarious as it is downright baffling, has been declared by many to be the worst film ever made, and has gone on to receive a massive cult following.
Circling around these characters, observing their bewilderment, Green makes each scene [convey] some aspect of American bafflement.
At first, he [playfully] tries to conceal what he's done. When he finally reveals his bare face to her, with a [flourish], her reaction is... [none]xistent. She baffles him by appearing not to notice the change.
Loyal troops foiled his [attempt] to overthrow the government.
The [straight] man was an able foil to the [comic].
and proved an [apt] foil for the leering one-liners of Bob "Cherchez la Femme" Hope in Paris Holiday (1957) and Call Me Bwana (1963).
He balked [at] making the speech.
The [horse] balked when I tried to lead it across the bridge
to forestall a [riot] by deploying police.
The couple's spiteful joint sessions don't forestall their [inevitable] divorce
she's into grrl rock, feminist theory and other interests that, in the pic's strained reasoning, somehow [preclude] the hormonal urge.
an accident that [glitched] our plans.
And it's there a [glitch] between the movie's look and style
Dorine isn't at all happy about this, and when she's called back into the office to help obnoxious writer Gary fix a glitch in his [computer], she's not at all upset when he's accidentally [electrocuted].
Don't lecture me! You swore to me that this was fail-safe. No leaks, no glitches, no... No dreams.
late in the movie she hurls [herself] off a balcony as if into a mosh pit.
The screenplay by Diane Drake of course throws great hurdles in the way of the lovers,
Jonathan Cool had an impediment.
a lightly covered and unnoticeable pit prepared as a trap for people or animals.
The Stalker is the hired guide for the journey who has, through [repeated] visits to the Zone, become accustomed [to] its complex traps, pitfalls, and subtle distortions.
I, trying to rise above the fiasco of last year's States,
Hal Hefner, a [bashful] teen coaxed into helping his school earn some payback for last year's debate-team [fiasco].
a device, person, or enterprise that proves to be a failure
pic will be [manna] for Ceylan's loyal band of critical admirers, [feted] at serious [fests], but a B.O. [dud] in most territories.
As Ira drifts through encounters with his best friend and with assorted girlfriends [manque], Mr. Solondz keeps his eye on loopy, revealing details.