1. a snake.
2. a wily, treacherous, or malicious person.
3. the Devil; Satan. Gen. 3:1–5.
4. a firework that burns with serpentine motion or flame.
5. an obsolete wooden wind instrument with a serpentine shape and a deep, coarse tone.
Compare ophicleide. 低音大號
a musical wind instrument, a development of the old wooden serpent, consisting of a conical metal tube bent double.
6. (initial capital letter) Astronomy. the constellation Serpens.
The political phantas[magoria] unfolds,
Editing is [exemplary]. Sparse soundtrack of pre-existing music makes effective thematic use of one [spectral] instrumental motif.
But Carlos soon begins having [visions] of a mysterious apparition he can't identify, and hears strange stories about a child named Santi who [went] missing the day the bomb appeared near the orphanage.
"Another Earth" is a film animated by one stunning image: A new planet four times the size of the moon appears in the sky of Earth. This [startling] apparition gives a [deeper] meaning to everything in the story, especially when it is discovered, that the planet is indeed, as the title promises, another Earth.
But even with his unique powers, the brave masked crusader will [face] a series of deadly challenges as a [bevy] of [treacherous] beauties including wraithlike [siren] Lorelei (Jaime King)
a ghostly double or counterpart of a living person.
The [doppelganger] turns out to be a pseudo-schizophrenic manifestation of the protagonist's less desirable characteristics.
which will see Johnny Depp playing a [doppelganger] of the late Hunter S. Thompson for the second time.
half-formed [doppelganger] covered with plant fibers in the mud baths they own and operate,
Scottish Highlands and move into a castle populated entirely by [celebrity] doppelgangers,
Meanwhile, out of Dominic’s fevered dreams comes another Dominic, a doppelganger [representing] his purely scientific side.
Money makes the [mare] go.
a monster in fairy tales and popular legend, usually represented as a hideous giant who feeds on human flesh
I was just gonna keep it for a little while. You're an ogre, like my father. He won't let me stay out late, or play records, or anything.
something that causes fear or worry
1. Integrity.
2. Men in shorts.
3. Most animals.
4. Sports.
5. The sound of my husband clipping his toenails.
6. English people with American accents.
7. Cell phone service in Manhattan.
8. How awful my boobs are when I’m pregnant.
9. The upper circle of the theater as I think about throwing myself off while watching nightmare performances.
10. Bugaboo strollers.
They form a suitably bizarre [menagerie] and at first glance have nothing in common with one another.
except for the [gargoyle] that awaits us all at the end of time, sticking out its tongue.
Gualtiero! We caught two porcupines.
Didn't you shoot a poar once? No, that was Joe... (未閹的) 公豬、野豬
What would you choose to stand for him? A boar? or a lion? A snake. He will wait and wait until the right time.
Or the ever-perplexed Tom Wilkinson as General Friedrich Fromm, a human [hog]?
spends most of the picture unbecomingly sweaty and [hog]-tied,
Anders' piece is mostly [hogwash], replete with a halfhearted cameo from Madonna. 殘羹剩菜【俗】無價值的話或文章,拙劣作品
You heard me. I said, "Hogwash." That's strong language, Miss Clara.
What did I tell you? What did I tell you? Look at this pigsty.
Sequence after [vignette] after sequence [larded] with deft little touches, all add to this story's cumulative message, namely that half a loaf is often better than none.
What about Clinton? My mother waddles faster than that lardass. 豬油
Paul, say hello to my favourite beast in the whole world - my sow Misery. Misery? Yes. I told you I was your number one fan. Yeah, I'm, uh... starting to believe you. 母豬,牝豬
Imagine, a hippopotamus steak, from an animal that weighs 3 tons is as tender as butter. 河馬
of or pertaining to swine
In addition to revitalizing the careers of Davis and Crawford, whose real-life mutual animosity came through loud and clear, the film made a star of sorts of 24-year-old character actor Victor Buono, cast as a porcine mama's-boy musical composer.