
n. (名詞 noun)

          1.    祕密黨員
          2.    祕密贊同者
          3.    【電腦】密碼機,保密機


comb.form (複合形 conbining form)

          1.    (構成名詞)表示"隱藏的","祕密的"(如:cryptogrophy, crypto-opponent)


1. [understood] by or meant for only the [select few], [recondite]
[poetry] full of esoteric allusions.   
"Wings of Desire" is one of those films movie critics are accused of [liking] because it's esoteric and difficult.
[Men murmuring] Sarah's research... [Louder] Sarah's research is more esoteric than mine. [Murmuring stops] She's looking for a way to reverse the process, a way to eradicate the problem.
2. [belonging] to the select few.  
4. (of a [philosophical] doctrine or the like) intended to be revealed only to the [initiates] of a group 
The esoteric [doctrines] of [Pythagoras] cf. clique Deluge
Filmed amidst the oppressive backdrop of the Berlin Wall by the expatriate Polish director Andrzej Zulawski (who was unable to work in his homeland after too many clashes with the authorities), the picture is so relentlessly intense and so deliberately esoteric, that most viewers would find it too hard to connect with.

known or understood by [very few], esoteric
She knew a lot about [Sanskrit] grammar and other arcane matters.
inventing [arcane] quizzes while downing lots of scotch and beer and in general comprising something that resembles a four-man frat house.
By the end of the 90s and start of the 00s, the concept was dealt a further blow by the arrival of DVD and the internet. The world in which cult film could thrive as an [arcane], word-of-mouth affair with half the things you wanted to see only available on [dodgy], [fifth]-generation VHS changed into one where every lost classic had its own tribute site and remastered two-disc set.
Talking bugs, [amphibian] spies, and arcane narcotics sound creepy, and they are.

the quality of being [opaque]
As with Basquiat, there's a certain dreamy [opacity] [to] Before Night Falls. 
In its [opacity], Morvern Callar may seem to some a willful exercise in audience frustration.
to obfuscate a problem with [ex]traneous information.  
of or pertaining to magic, astrology or any system supernatural 
They have special knowledge, [occult] beliefs, revolutionary health practices.  
Boris Balkan, a millionaire New Yorker with a vast collection of [occult] literature. 
as simply a [gripping] tale of mysterious goings-on in a wintertime Venice or dealing with the supernatural and the [occult] as related to the established patterns of life and society.

Just implacable, poker-faced, flat, uninflected death.
In truth, Hiroshima Mon Amour is not quite as inscrutable as certain critics would have us believe (the central theme of the importance of coming to grips with one's past comes through loud and clear), but it confused many filmgoers upon its first release, some of whom gave up the picture as a bad job and steered clear of all future Resnais efforts.
Opening for Halloween in a new print, Georges Franju's Eyes Without a Face is a masterpiece of poetic horror and [tactful], [tactile] brutality.
Penn goes for larger-than-life, wrapping his pinched [frown] around an [un]intelligible Louisiana [drawl] and swinging his arms like an autistic evangelist.

Flummoxed by [feminine] conspiracies they're always the last to know about
With Cesar Romero chewing scenery as gangster Duke Santos and Akim Tamiroff having fun as easily [flummoxed] criminal Spyros Acebos,
How is your work coming? I'm totally flummoxed. I can't get the figures to make any sense.
What she heard simply boggled her [mind].
Having heard the news, I have to admit that my [mind] boggles.
The logistic considerations alone must have been [mind]-boggling
My [mind] just... boggles.
addle [eggs]  
make or become confused 
Professor Julius F. Kelp is an addle-[brained], absent-minded chemistry instructor 
pot-[addled] hipster Dode, whom Brendan slaps around in a reasonable imitation of what Bogart did with aplomb,
and her father was a [drug]-addled loser who could barely be prodded off the couch. 
It's not the line quoted in many reviews, where one [addled] engineer asks another, "Are you hungry? I haven't eaten since later this afternoon,"
An [intimate] of Bob Dylan, Jackson Browne, the Velvet Underground, the Stones, Jim Morrison, Iggy Pop, and others, her fascinating story is recounted in the biography 
Nico: The Life & Lies of an Icon by Richard Witts, published in Great Britain by Virgin books; The End by James Young is a [seedy] look at her [drug]-addled final years by a member of her touring band.
Convinced that her days are numbered if she remains in the house with her addlepated sister, Blanche desperately tries to get away, but all avenues of escape are cut off by the deranged Jane.
Newton is only a pop star for a few moments at the end of the film, which is only one of many areas where director Nicolas Roeg and screenwriter Paul Mayersberg [confound] the audience's expectations.
Just like a great one-liner, every [little] move Gallo makes is [structured] as a intriguing set-up followed by [conf]ounding pay off. When Gallo signs on to appear in a film, my ears prick up.
Laurie Bird is both confounding and charming as the [chatty] hippie that they pick up along the way,








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