Newman both 'Hot' and 'Cool' for over 50 years
Newman both 'Hot' and 'Cool' for over 50 years
Actor a class act while actress Lohan is Hollywood opposite
May 30, 2007
BY RICHARD ROEPER Sun-Times Columnist
About 15 years ago in Kansas City, I was introduced to a white-haired gentleman with piercing blue eyes.
"I'm Paul," he said, as if he were the assistant manager of the hotel where we were meeting.
For me, it was a thrill. For Paul Newman, it was about the 1,000th interview he had ever given -- yet he was engaging and in the moment. Pure class.
Newman said last week he's retiring from acting after a half-century. He's in his 80s now, and it's just too much to focus on the lines and summon the energy and give his all. That would make his voice work in "Cars" his last theatrical film and his terrific and spry performance in the HBO movie "Empire Falls" his last on-camera performance.
紐曼說他上禮拜剛結束五十年的演藝生涯。八十幾歲了,已經不如年輕時隨心所欲。為汽車總動員獻聲是他最後一部電影作品,HBO 影集帝國的隕落則是他最後一次在攝影機前生龍活虎。
Whether Newman has second thoughts or is really through with acting, he's already firmly established as one of the all-time greats. He had the looks, the screen presence and the range to play scalawags as well as heroes.
One could argue Newman belongs among the top 10 movie stars of all time, beside Katharine Hepburn, Cary Grant and Jimmy Stewart, among others. He turned in memorable performances over five decades, from "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" in 1958 to "Road to Perdition" in 2002.
It's difficult to narrow Newman's best work to even a dozen movies, but here's my list:
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958) 朱門巧婦
The Hustler (1961) 江湖浪子
Hud (1963) 父子恩仇錄
Cool Hand Luke (1967) 鐵窗喋血
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) 虎豹小霸王
The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean (1972) 奪命判官
The Sting (1973) 刺激
Slap Shot (1977) 火爆群龍
Absence of Malice (1981) 惡意的缺席
The Verdict (1982) 大審判
The Color of Money (1986) 金錢本色
Nobody's Fool (1994) 大智若愚
Newman won the Oscar for "The Color of Money," but that's a classic example of a "career" award. Perhaps my favorite Newman performance comes as a down-and-out attorney in "The Verdict." What Newman does with David Mamet's words is transcendent.
紐曼以金錢本色下小金人,但那更像座終身成就獎。或許筆者的紐曼最愛是大審判裡頭窮途潦倒的律師。紐曼的表現配上大衛馬密 1 的劇本真是無與倫比。
1 殺無赦,大亨遊戲,桃色風雲搖擺狗。
"The Verdict" is available on video.
大審判現在有 DVD可 以收藏。
Under the wrong influences
And then there's the other side of Hollywood. Even before Lindsay Lohan's DUI and subsequent return to rehab, it didn't seem like the smartest idea to have a two-day, 21st birthday bash at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, sponsored by a vodka company, given that she was "fresh" out of rehab. When you're dealing with addiction, aren't your only "sponsors" supposed to be fellow addicts who take your late-night phone calls and meet you for coffee to talk things through?
"This should be one of the best parties ever," Lohan's lawyer told Us magazine last week, before the DUI incident.
It must be fun to go through law school and establish yourself as an attorney so you can one day represent a celebrity who spends the years leading up to her 21st birthday creating one tabloid-friendly headline after another, just so you can tell a magazine her 21st birthday party is going to be really cool. Sigh.
Now the vodka company says it's pulling out of the birthday party. Ya think? One would expect the party would be canceled as well. How do you host a giant, booze-fueled bash for a girl who is facing possible jail time and/or community service?
Poor Lindsay Lohan's a cliche, and she doesn't even realize it. A child actor who spends her teen years getting wasted and getting into one romantic entanglement after another? We've seen this movie a hundred times before.
What's really pathetic are the actions of the adults around her, from the father who has done jail time to the enabling mother who keeps blaming everyone else for her daughter's problems, to the lawyers and bodyguards and handlers and agents and anyone else who cashes paychecks related to their personal and/or working relationships with this stumbling train wreck of a young woman.
I'm sure they'd all say they have Lindsay's best interests at heart -- that they love her and they want her to get well and straighten out her life.
Right. And if she announced tomorrow that she's retiring from show business and she's going back to school with the intention of becoming an English teacher some day, I'm sure they'd all stand by her every step of the way, because they care.
Lohan I would Like to Fuck
- May 31 Thu 2007 00:23