Why don’t we get some breakfast, see if you can get a nurse out there. Try to get the blond, She looks like a young Monica Vitti.
"She looks like a young Monica Vitti."
原來這就是傳說中的 Vitti 護士,好吧是有點像啦!可能和黑白影像為主有關。填表格者是網球教練。結果哥哥也沒有聽老爸的話找金髮妞,出門隨便找個黃種人送早餐,接著鏡頭就帶到這場景。
深怕新鮮感被破壞,我很少電影看兩次的,除非是大螢幕上映 (丹妮芙心花怒放) 或是特殊原因 (阿特曼過世),烏賊與鯨還是那樣令人心碎而真實,也很高興自己第一次看幾乎沒有遺漏什麼。
烏賊與鯨並非 Noah Baumbach 的處女作,之前有三部劇情長片,九五年的處女作 Kicking and Screaming 甚至出了 Criterion 版本!(對筆者來說等同入圍柏坎威)。
"He had long, delicate fingers and plump palms similar to a raccoon's. With finesse, he piled the meat from a crab claw, and sucked oysters from their shells."
"When I was a kid we were so poor, if I hadn't been a boy
I wouldn't have had anything to play with." -- Rodney Dangerfield
"All I know is, it is better to be the whale than the squid.
Whales inspire major novels." -- Roger Ebert